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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 05, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 28

         As slowdown hits tech firms’ hiring, Govt.

                tries to provide jobs in other sectors

           India’s top five IT services companies added just under 84,000 people to their overall headcount in 2022-23,

                                 compared to the 2. 7 lakh that they added in the previous financial year

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

              n  important  event  recently,
             Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        Avirtually distributed appoint-
        ment  letters  to  71,000  new  recruits
        in the Rashtriya Rozgar Mela. Modi
        also  said  that  Startups  have  created
        more than four million direct and in-
        direct jobs in the country.
            But hit by slowing global demand,
        India’s  top  five  IT  services  compa-
        nies added just under 84,000 people
        to their overall headcount in 2022-23,
        compared to the 2. 7 lakh that they
        added in the previous financial year.
        That’s a 69% drop. The total addition
        for  TCS,  Infosys,  Wipro,  HCL  and
        Tech Mahindra last year was slightly
        lower than even the addition in the
        Covid-hit year of 2020-21.
            Infosys and TCS led the addi-
        tions,  with  Infosys  adding  close  to
        30,000, and TCS adding 22,600. Tech
        Mahindra  added  the  least,  at  1,227.
        The final quarter was particularly bad,
        with Tech Mahindra, Infosys and Wi-
        pro reporting declines in headcount.   A beneficiary poses for a picture with a cutout of Prime Minister Narendra Modi after receiving his appointment letter during an event on Rozgar
        For Wipro, this was the second con-                                   Mela at CCL Auditorium in Ranchi (ANI)
        secutive  quarter  of  reduction  in  the
        employee  count.  In  the  December   ISG, notes that during the period of   tually distributed appointment letters   the world is seeing India as a bright
        quarter, it reported a decline of 500.  good growth and high attrition, IT   to 71,000 new recruits in the National   spot amidst the global challenges of
            All these firms have been facing   services  providers  were  hiring  two   Rozgar  Mela  and  congratulated  the   recession and pandemic.
        headwinds. Clients are delaying deci-  people for every person who left.  candidates and their families for get-  But Congress president Mallikar-
        sions on tech investments; some are   Now, with growth slowing, many   ting the appointment letter.   jun  Kharge  took  a  swipe  at  Prime
        even  cancelling  projects.  This,  cou-  are  sitting  idle.  This  explains  why   Modi remarked that the govern-  Minister Narendra Modi over the
        pled with attrition moderating over   most of these companies are delaying   ment  is  committed  to  providing  the   Rashtriya Rozgar Mela and said that
        the last few quarters, led firms to add   onboarding of freshers who were giv-  right opportunities for the talent and   he is distributing “recruitment letters”
        fewer people.                     en offers in the past few months. Hir-  energy  of  the  youth  to  achieve  the   in the name of employment.
            The companies now have a good   ing of laterals (those with experience)   resolutions of a developed India. The   Stating  that  there  are  3,01,750
        bench strength to deploy on projects,  has dropped sharply.         Prime  Minister  highlighted  that  the   vacancies  in  Railways,  out  of  which
        a lot of it due to the addition of fresh-  “Companies  have  restricted  em-  process  for  government  recruitment   50,000  letters  were  given  for  the
        ers. “A lot of them on the bench are   ployment to  high-demand  skills  like   is taking place at a fast pace in NDA-  Ministry  of  Railways,  Kharge  called
        getting skilled and are getting trained.  AI,  data  science,  and  cybersecurity,”   ruled states from Gujarat to Assam   it “Too Little, Too Late”. “Modi ji, is
        So, we have quite a leeway for the next   Dharshan says.            and Uttar Pradesh to Maharashtra.  again  distributing  “recruitment  let-
        few quarters in terms of the availabil-  Following its latest earnings an-  He noted that recruitment letters   ters” in the name of employment. In
        ity  of  freshers,”  Nilanjan  Roy,  CFO   nouncement, TCS said it is trying to   to  more  than  22,000  teachers  were   the event, 50,000 letters are from the
        of Infosys, said at the earnings press   develop  its  resources  internally,  by   handed out in Madhya Pradesh. “This   Ministry of Railways only. There are
        conference. Including trainees, Infos-  upskilling them, rather than looking   Rozgar Mela is proof of our commit-  3,01,750  vacancies  in  Railways.  30
        ys had a utilization of only around 76.  out for talent in the market.  ment towards the youth of the nation,”  lakh posts are vacant in government
        9% in the final quarter of FY23.      The problem of jobs is a worrying   Modi added.                 ministries.  “Too  Little,  Too  Late”  --
            Namratha  Dharshan,  chief  busi-  sign for the government which is try-  Noting  that  India is  one  of the   This stunt done in the tenth year of the
        ness leader – India Research at tech-  ing to show that its policies are creat-  fastest  growing  economies  of  the   Modi government fits perfectly,” the
        nology  research  and  advisory  firm   ing jobs. With this objective, Modi vir-  world,  the  Prime  Minister  said  that   Congress president tweeted in Hindi.

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