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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 29, 2022 | The Indian Eye 21
MTA Invites Riders to Provide Input on Queens
Bus Network Redesign at Public Workshops
Public Workshops in 14 Community Districts To be Held Virtually
New York, NY
he Metropolitan Transporta-
tion Authority (MTA) is re-
Tminding Queens riders of up-
coming opportunities to participate
in public workshops to provide input
on the Queens Bus Redesign New
Draft Plan. The Queens Bus Net-
work Redesign is one of the largest
bus network redesigns in the country,
with over 100 routes, serving almost
800,000 average weekday riders in
2019, and is now the third project of
the MTA’s ambitious initiative to re-
work and enhance bus networks in
every borough.
The New Draft Plan is a for-
ward-thinking redesign focused
on routing, bus stop locations,
and frequency proposals that
aim to address the evolving
needs of local communities,
considering factors such as learn more about our ambitious plan spaced bus stops along routes re- • Bus Priority. The MTA will contin-
to speed up bus service and deliver a
sults in fewer route turns and faster
ue working with the New York City
population growth, travel pat- better bus network for the borough,” service. The seconds saved per trip Department of Transportation
terns, commute times, and off- said MTA Bus Company President by having fewer bus stops have a (DOT) to build upon existing efforts
Acting President and New York City positive cascading effect on overall of expanding bus priority improve-
peak ridership for current and Transit Department of Buses Senior travel times. ments on corridors throughout
future Queens riders. Vice President Frank Annicaro. “We • Bus stop placement is also key in the city, implementing measures
are excited to reach this critical next filling gaps in the bus network; such as dedicated bus lanes, queue
step in the bus redesign process and proximity to key destinations and jumps, and transit signal priority.
There will be 14 virtual public encourage New Yorkers to attend transfer points are important com- Additionally, the MTA this week
workshops held through June – one these workshops and share their in- ponents in deciding bus stop loca- published in-depth route profiles for
workshop for each community dis- put with the MTA.” tions. In the proposed redesigned the New Draft Plan of the Queens Bus
trict in Queens. At these workshops, Components of the New Draft draft plan, placement of bus stops Redesign.
attendees will be provided informa- Plan include: expands the reach of accessible Customers are encouraged to
tion about all the changes proposed • More direct routes. Implementing public transportation. learn more about the Queens Bus
in the New Draft Plan and will be more direct routes allows for faster • Enhanced Connectivity. The pro- Network Redesign at any one of the
able to share their questions, com- service. Downtown Flushing and posed redesign presents new con- MTA’s outreach events listed or via
ments, and concerns. Workshops will Jamaica are areas where effects of nections, enhancing connectivity at any of the online resources avail-
be held virtually via Zoom and con- congestion hinder bus service. A key transfer locations necessary to able and submit feedback through
ducted in English with captioning in contributing factor to this conges- ensure customers have a smooth the online comment portal. The list
other languages per the list below. tion are bus routes that terminate transition between buses and oth- of all workshop dates is also avail-
Additional language interpreters will in these areas. A series of proposed er modes of public transportation. able on the project’s main webpage,
be available upon advance registra- routes that serve downtown Flush- The plan focuses on expanding along with a detailed presentation
tion form no later than five business ing and Jamaica will travel through connectivity to ADA accessible of the proposed redesign, full report
days before the workshop you want these congested areas, instead of subway stations, including stations of the New Draft Plan, and an inter-
to attend. terminating there. that have been identified to receive active map that allows users to post
“These public workshops are • Balanced Bus Stop Spacing. Re- accessibility upgrades in the near comments directly on proposed bus
a chance for Queens bus riders to moving and adjusting closely future. routes and stops.