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North The Indian Eye
18 APRIL 29, 2022
NYIFF unveils full 2022 Lineup &
Award Nominees at Indian Consulate
On the 75th year of India’s independence, NYIFF celebrates the country’s
acclaimed cinematic traditions in 13 languages
The festival will feature 60 screen-
NEW YORK, NY ings (18 feature narratives, six (6) doc-
umentaries and 36 short films). Key
t an in-person press event highlights from the lineup include:
at the Indian Consulate, the
ANew York Indian Film Festi- • A second centerpiece film - Faraz
val (NYIFF), North America’s oldest Ali’s Shoebox (Hindi) explores a
young woman’s
and most prestigious festival which • complex relationship with her fa-
features cinema from India and the ther as the world around them
Indian Diaspora, announced its full changes drastically
lineup for 2022. Now in its 22nd year, • First NYIFF screening of a San-
the festival celebrates independent, skrit-language film, with Bhagava-
art house, alternate and diaspora films dajjukam
with on-demand streaming offered by • Special children’s films screenings
Shift72 from May 7-14, 2022.
- Boomba Ride (Assamese) and
Gandhi & Co. (Gujarati)
There will also be a closing night film • Unique documentary tributes to
screening and awards presentation the late lyricist, poet and activ-
at the Village East Cinemas, 181 2nd ist Kafi Azmi in the Kaifinama,
Ave., New York, NY 10003 on May and film critic and larger-than-life
14, 2022, starting at 4:30 p.m. Bombay personality, Rashid Irani
in If Memory Serves Me Right
• A collection of shorts exploring
“For two years now, we have of-
fered virtual streaming of films, pro- LGBTQ stories set in India with
Dal Bhat, Keep Punching, Kiss,
viding filmmakers with even more Man & Wife, My Mother’s Girl-
outlets to showcase their work. We friend, Pariah and The Way We Are
emerged stronger with a larger foot-
print as global audiences engaged with PERSONALITIES AT NYIFF
the films,” said Suman Gollamudi, Several well-known Indian film person-
IAAC Executive Director. “This year, alities will be featured in a wide array of
we are excited to offer an in-person works, including:
closing event and award ceremony on • Abhishek Banerjee from Patal Lok
May 14 in New York.” (Mr. Lawyer)
“We look forward to sparking a Director. “This year, we will feature complete collection of NYIFF-recog- • Adarsh Gourav from The White Ti-
resonating dialogue about the ongoing films in 13 languages spoken in India: nized titles will be available for view- ger (Kiss)
impact of Indian culture on the world Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, ing starting May 7, 2022, at online.ny- • Dhritiman Chatterjee and Tinnu
on the 75th Anniversary of Indepen- Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Available for purchase starting Anand (A Box of Cuban Cigars)
dence,” said Dr. Nirmal Mattoo, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and April 19, 2022, the cost to view each • Jitendra Joshi and Vikram Gokhle
IAAC Chairman. Urdu. All films will have English sub- film ranges from US$4.99 for feature (Godavari)
Presented by the Indo-American titles.” films (narrative and documentaries) • Kani Kusruti (Nishiddho/ Forbidden)
Arts Council, Inc. (IAAC), NYIFF “NYIFF’s mission is to provide and US$0.99 for shorts. Some films • Lakshvir Saran from Fame Game
celebrates alternative, independent filmmakers, actors and industry pro- will also be available for viewers out- (Mintgumari)
cinema from the global Indian com- fessionals a platform to showcase their side the U.S. • Manav Kaul and Amruta Subhash
munity and brings this rich collection work, as well as foster an environment Audiences outside the U.S., ex- (The Way We Are)
of films to the New York audience. where filmmakers exchange ideas and cluding India, can pay in their local • Naseeruddin Shah (The Daughter)
“We aimed to truly underscore interact with discerning and diverse currencies. In India, the cost will be • Rituparna Sengupta (Mahishasur
the NYIFF commitment to diversity audiences, journalists and aficiona- Rs. 150 for features and shorts starting Marddini)
and cultural representation in film,” dos,” Chhabra added. at Rs. 50. Discounted festival passes • Tanmay Dhanania (Pariah and
said Aseem Chhabra, NYIFF Festival Each of these films along with the will also be available. Nishiddho/ Forbidden)