Page 22 - The Indian EYE 042922
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 22

                       Community to host meet and greet &

               fundraiser for Paul DeGroot in Parsippany

        OUR BUREAU                                                                              the American Indian community, Paul DeGroot will
                                                                                                be able to win back the seat for Republicans with a
        Parsippany, NJ
                                                                                                surprise victory in the forthcoming primary election
              he  Indian  American  community of Parsip-                                        and the then again in the November General elec-
              pany has planned a “Meet and Greet” event                                         tion.
        Tand fundraiser in honor of Paul DeGroot                                                    Paul is a strong advocate of PARENT’S RIGHTS
        who is running for House of Representative for                                          IN EDUCATION, AMERICAN LIBERTY &
        District 11 in New Jersey. The Primary election is                                      FREEDOM, The US CONSTITUTION, ENERGY
        going to be held in June and it is expected that Paul                                   INDEPENDENCE for the Country, a STRONG
        DeGroot will be the Republican nominee to take                                          AMERICAN ECONOMY that creates strong indus-
        on Democratic incumbent Congresswoman Mikie                                             try and good-paying jobs for Americans and CON-
        Sherrill. The event is expected to be attended by                                       TROLLING INFLATION.
        the American Indian Community from Essex, Mor-                                              He is also a strong proponent of LEGAL IMMI-
        ris, and Passaic Counties.                                                              GRATION and believes in strong measures that curb
            The event is planned for April 28th from 6:30                                       illegal immigration.
        p.m. onwards at 8 Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ                                              He supports STRONG BORDER SECURITY
        07054. The Organizers; Rajendar Dichpally, Ma-                                          and is a big SUPPORTER OF SENIOR CITIZENS
        hender Reddy, Santosh Peddi, and Bhagwan Pingle                                         AND VETERANS.
        hope to ensure good attendance at the event and                                             Paul retired from the  Passaic  County Prosecu-
        enlist the support of the American Indian Commu-                                        tors’ office after 25 years of service where he worked
        nity.                                                                                   as Chief Prosecutor for Homicide, Narcotics, and
            District 11 has been a traditionally Republican                                     Government Corruption; he currently runs a success-
        stronghold and it is expected that with the support of                                  ful Law Firm.

          Edison mayor announces pre-

         school registration from May 2

              Summer 2022 Playground registration

                                to also begin

        OUR BUREAU
        EDISON, NJ
              dison Mayor Sam Joshi and
              the Edison Recreation Depart-
        Ement have announced that pre-
        school applications for the 2022/2023
        school year, as well as pre-registration
        for Edison’s Summer Playground
        program. It will be available starting   The  six-week  summer  play-
        on Monday, May 2nd.               ground program begins Monday,
                                          June 27th and is held Monday - Friday
        The pre-school program is avail-  9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at various neigh-
                                          borhood parks throughout the Town-
        able for 3-year-olds from 9:30    ship, with trips, games, and crafts for
        AM -  12:00 PM on Tuesdays        Edison children ages 5 to 12. There
        and Thursdays, and 4-year-olds    is a $75.00 per child non-refundable
                                          fee. For an updated class schedule,
        from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM on  information, and downloadable ap-
        Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-      plications, please visit the recreation

        days at the Minnie B. Veal Com-   department website at: https://www.
        munity Center.                    ation_department/ and on the left
                                          side click “Entertaining Edison.”

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