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P. 16

OP-ED                                                                    APRIL 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 16

                      Bulldozers, minorities and

                                 silent business voices

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              ulldozers had continued to
              raze alleged encroachments in
        BDelhi’s Jahangirpuri – scene
        of rioting on Saturday – yesterday,
        forcing Supreme Court to expedi-
        tiously communicate its stay order
        to North Municipal Corporation of
        Delhi. This is enormously troubling,
        even by recent  standards. Some au-
        thorities seem to have no qualms us-
        ing any law or agency for various mo-
        tives – here the subliminal messaging
        appeared to be payback to “rioters”.
        Only SC and high court judges with
        their constitutional protections can
        ensure that political and permanent
        executives apply laws wisely and hu-
        manely. Courts must step in to pre-
        vent  this  mindless  deployment  of
        bulldozers; the Constitution is getting
        bulldozed as well. Razing of homes
        and shops hurts entire families, and
        even if there are family members who
        allegedly rioted or even if structures   A vehicle sprays water as paramilitary and police personnel stand guard after an anti-encroachment drive in the violence-hit Jahangirpuri area,
        are illegal, there’s due process – inno-
        cent until proven guilty and adequate                                    in New Delhi on Thursday. (ANI)
        notice, respectively – to be followed.
            From its slums to posh areas,  guage of human dignity beyond the   Donald Trump’s decision to disman-  does not augur well for a strong re-
        Delhi is overrun by encroachments,  vortex of communal identification? Is   tle  DACA,  that  protected  children   covery.
        as are most Indian cities. Bureau-  anybody left in that camp? To the Op-  of undocumented immigrants from   That prices were rising all of last
        cratic hair-splitting on illegal struc-  position parties who have no courage   deportation. Both decisions we  year is well-known. But the price
        tures was therefore thoroughly un-  of conviction or a grammar of politics   -- Priya Ramani, The Quint  growth had skipped foods; that in
        convincing when Jahangirpuri was   that can combat majoritarianism?                                   fuels was countered by reduced lev-
        singled out.                                                                                          ies and a freeze on price increases
                                           -- Pratap Bhanu Mehta, The Indian       Surging inflation
           -- Editorial, The Times of India            Express                                                last November, while firms absorbed
                                                                               nflation’s  resurgence  is  a  threat   more input costs and passed on less
              Secularism on trial                 Tough questions              to India’s budding economic re-  to the consumers. At the start of the
                                                                            Ivival. Soaring prices of food, fuels   year and until February, when the
                 riting on communalism has   n their as yet unpublished paper   and much else have firmly ensconced   budget was framed and monetary
                 become a futile act. Who is   titled Comparing corporate Twit-  it centre stage, pushing aside other   policy reviewed, retail inflation was
        Wit  addressed  to? Certainly  Iter engagement on citizenship       problems and testing economic man-  expected to be moderating during
        not the state whose ideological prac-  and immigration debated in India   agement. At the start of the new fiscal   the last quarter itself. Subsequent
        tices and power fuel the crisis in the   and the United States, authors She-  year, growth expectations lie lowered,  developments have overridden that
        first place. Not civil society, because   hla Rashid  Shora,  Arshia  Arya  and   monetary tightening is on the anvil,  understanding. For one, the Rus-
        there is not much of civil society left.  Joyojeet Pal at Microsoft Research   and  it  is  debatable  how  long  fiscal   sia-Ukraine war and the related
        Not religious groups. To the votaries   India compared the Twitter engage-  policy can withstand the adjustment   economic sanctions have pushed up
        of new Hinduism, the only discourse   ment of the 50 richest people in India   or financing pressures of higher food,  the global prices of oil, commodities,
        of communalism that matters is one   and the U.S. on debates related to   fuel and fertilizer prices. The biggest   fertilizers, food grains, metals and
        they can use in a discourse of revenge.  citizenship and immigration.  setback is its interruption of the na-  more; a fresh round of disruptions to
        To Muslims, what reassurance can we   Both countries were debating   scent upturn in the business cycle.  world trade has compounded these.
        now give that asymmetry of numbers,  contentious citizenship laws around   This is a serious risk as households   -- Renu Kohli, The Telegraph (India)
        state power and ideological zeal will   the same time—India was protesting   and businesses postpone or scale
        not be used in a project of their cul-  the Narendra Modi government’s   down expenditures even before these   Every week, we look at what the top
        tural erasure? Those who claim to be   unfair Citizenship Amendment Act   had resumed properly or taken off.   commentators in the Indian media are
        secular are bulldozed by the lie that   (alongside the National Register for   In the backdrop of their emasculated   talking about and bring to you a slice
        secularism is minority appeasement.  Citizens) and in the U.S. there were   state, during the pandemic and be-  of their opinions and comments
        To those who want to speak the lan-  deeply polarising debates around   fore that, an inflationary resurgence

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