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WELLNESS                                                                     APRIL 23, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          40

                                                              tennis elBow

               DR NILESH SONI
         Dynamic Physical Therapy Services
         43-43 Kissena Blvd., Suite 110
               Flushing, NY 11355

                  about dr soni

              Dr Nilesh Soni is an ex-

          pert in physical therapy spe-
          cializing in arthritis and dis-
          orders related to the elderly
          patients. He has clinical
          experience  of  30  plus  years
          in various areas of physical
          dysfunction and disabili-

          ties like knee arthritis, post        what is tennis elbow?                       what does                   your wrist and hand for lift-
          joint replacement rehabili-            t is a painful condition           tennis elbow  happen ?              ing objects, opening a jar, or
          tation, physical therapy after         caused by overuse of the  • If the forearm extensor mus-               gripping something tightly,
          arthroscopic surgeries and         Iforearm and wrist muscles            cles get hurt by a sudden lift-      such as a knife and fork
          management of multi joint          due to repeated grasping, lift-       ing of heavy object or forceful    • Stiffness in the elbow
                                                                                                                      • Weakness in the forearm,
          arthritis.                         ing and manipulation of ob-           playing in sport of tennis - pa-     wrist, or hand

              His credentials include        jects.                                tient will have a sharp local-
                                                                                   ized pain on the outer aspect
                                                The muscles used to lift,
          Doctorate of Physical Ther-        twist and manipulate objects          of the elbow.                       How can Physical therapy
          apy from MGH Institute Of          are called the ‘ forearm exten- • However in  most  cases,  Ten-                       help?
          Health Sciences, Master’s          sors’ and are attached on the         nis Elbow develops gradually       • Relieve pain through use of
          in  Physical  Therapy  from        bony projection on the outer          secondary to repetitive use of       physical modalities such as

          New York University, an-           aspect of the elbow called the        forearm, wrist and hand over         Clinical Ultrasound,  low lev-
          other Master’s in Physical         ‘lateral epicondyle’.                 a period  of weeks and /or           el laser, interferential current
                                                                                   months. For example, if you
                                                                                                                        therapy, ice pack  - all of which
                                                Thus any excessive move-
          Therapy from University of         ments / use of the forearm            are working in a deli, you will      help you avoid excessive use of
          Bombay, India, and he is           and wrist can cause pain in the       be doing repeated lifting of         harmful opioids and invasive
          a Board Certified Geriatric        elbow causing Tennis Elbow            grocery bags and working with        procedures such as injections
          Clinical Specialist by the         (Lateral Epicondylitis).              the register - this can irritate     and surgeries.
          American Physical Therapy             Prolonged use of the wrist         the ‘forearm extensor’ mus-           resTOre sTrengTH:
          Association.                       and hand, such as when using          cles leading to Tennis Elbow.      • Weak and stiff muscles due to
                                             a computer or operating ma-
               You can contact at :          chinery —and, of course, play-        what kind of aches do it             pain can cause significant loss
                                                                                                                        of function. Physical therapists
                718 395 2393                 ing tennis with an improper                        get?                    can teach you the right move-
                                             grip or technique—can lead to  • Pain that radiates into your              ments and stretches to restore
                   or email at:              tennis elbow.                         forearm and wrist                    strength and length of muscles
                                                It can happen to athletes,  • Difficulty  doing  common
          [email protected]               non-athletes, children, and           tasks, such as turning a door-       affected by Tennis Elbow.
                or visit website at:         adults. It occurs more often          knob or holding a coffee cup       manual THerapy;

                   in men than women, and most  • Difficulty with gripping activ-           • To stretch tight structures and
                                             commonly affects people be-
                                                                                                                        get rid of soft tissue tightness
                                             tween the ages of 30 and 50.        • Increased pain when you use          which develops due to long

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