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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 23, 2021 | The Indian Eye 35
goPio-manhattan organizes Panel
discussion on “alone But not lonely - living
in the reality of new normal”
Our Bureau
New York, NY
solation due to COVID-19 has reshaped
the face of humanity. While the world
Ifaces great uncertainty with the corona-
virus’ strength waxing and waning, the “new
normal” has included extended periods
of lockdown. With restrictions tied to the
coronavirus outbreak leaving millions con-
fined to their homes, everyone is feeling the
effects of extended periods of quarantine
on the body and mind. One major outcome
of sustained solitude is being stuck in lone-
liness. Human beings are inherently social
creatures, and the experience of loneliness
can cause profound damage, including im-
pairments in well-being, productivity, cre-
ativity, focus, as well as psychological harms Dr. Roy pointed out: “There are tools with- sion.” Dr. Chakravorty shared her knowl-
and shortened life-spans. in each of us that we can use. We have ways edge about this state of being which is not
In this context, a timely discussion by an to connect with people. Practicing Medita- elusive after all. Her mantra is “Happiness
experts’ panel organized virtually by GO- tion, deep breathing. Watching comedies, is yours to experience and is well within
PIO-Manhattan on “Alone But Not Lone- and talking to people” are effective ways the reach of us all.”
ly - Living In The Reality Of New Normal” to combat loneliness, Dr. Roy said and Dr. Arnab Ghosh, whose goal is to de-
on Friday, April 16th, 2021, was attended added, “Love is the biggest game changer.” velop strategies in preclinical models and
by hundreds of participants from around In his address, Dr. Shuvendu Sen, an translate them into clinical studies, was
the world and broadcast live via Facebook. Ambassador of the New Jersey Re-entry instrumental in putting together the pan-
The panel of experts included: Dr. Lipi Commission, who contributes to the be- elists. Dr. Ghosh said, The objective of
Roy, an internal medicine physician board havioral and medical health of the former- the discussion is “Sharing knowledge and
certified in addiction medicine as well as ly incarcerated female population, and a empowering the community, while learn-
an MSNBC and NBC News Medical Con- best-selling author of the book, Why Bud- ing how the pandemic t has impacted the
tributor; Dr. Shuvendu Sen, a pioneer in dha Never Had Alzheimer’s: A Holistic community. And the focus is on people’s
multiple collaborations leading to superior Treatment Approach through Meditation, life stories and how they have been per-
Institutional performances, has been cred- Yoga and the Arts, thanked GOPIO for its sonally impacted.” He suggested that “do-
ited for adopting dynamic and innovative contributions to enhance Indian values and ing simple things like wearing masks and
measures to foster higher productivity, for the many accomplishments. Dr. Sen re- distancing and learning how one behavior
employment, and education; Dr. Taruna minded the audience that “This is not the affects me and the society at large. We are
Chakravorty, a Visiting Professor at Hans first time it has happened. The world has all in this together. Science has given us
Raj College in New Delhi, India, where she experienced similar calamities, changing the hope.”
teaches Spanish; and, Dr. Arnab Ghosh, our well structures lifestyles. We have seen Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of
physician-scientist is a medical oncologist it time and time again. However, whenev- GOPIO International reminded the audi-
who specializes in hematopoietic stem cell er we have been hurt, humanity is tremen- ence who for over a year, we are home-
transplantation, with focus of research be- dously powerful to resurface from the dust.” bound. He said, Vaccination gives us hope.
ing making tumor immunotherapy more Dr. Taruna Chakravorty, wife of former He commended the US government for
effective. During a lively and inspiring dis- Consul General in New York, Ambassa- the great roll out of the vaccination. “We
cussion they shared their wisdom thoughts dor Sandeep Chakravorty, a life coach, are grateful to Dr. Ghosh, who has be-
with anecdotes and real life experiences. motivational speaker and healer, said, she come a great assets to the Chapter.” He
Dr. Roy reminded the audience that loves to work with people of all ages, help- thanked GOPIO-Manhattan VP Dr. Vi-
“We are all social beings. We thrive on so- ing them to live their lives happily and joy- mal Goyle and Dr. Asha Samant and the
cial connections. This need transcends all ously. Her mantra is “The human spirit is GOPIO Manhattan leadership, especial-
barriers universally.” While admitting that meant to soar the skies in joyful abandon, ly Shivender Sofat, GOPIO Manhattan
“Pandemic has affected people differently.” free from fear, full of love and compas- President.
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