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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 23, 2021 | The Indian Eye 32
rotary club of Hicksville south (rcHs)
continues to shine, says nilima madan
events and their club’s commu-
Our Bureau
nity charity efforts. She thanked
New York major donors, VP Rizwan
O n April 11, RCHS Modi and Dr. Jay Sarkar who
Qureshi of HAB Bank, Dr. Raj
made the event possible besides
their official 501©(3)
status on 3/26/21 and IRS made others. She mentioned past give-
away projects to the needy in
it applicable since Nov. 2019 and the community done by RCHS
the club members cut a cake at year after year and spoke about
Royale Restaurant in Holiday the continued effort for the cur-
Inn Garden City, to celebrate rent project by Chairs Ms. Anu
their Charitable status where Gulati and Dr Meera Rao.
all donations received by RCHS Senator Thomas and Su-
for their charitable endeavors pervisor Saladino spoke com-
would be Federal Tax Exempt. mending the charitable activi-
President Ms. Nilima Madan, ties this club was doing to help
Rotary District 7255 Governor the needy adults and children
Miss. Jacquelyn Yonick, Club in the communities in so many
Founder President and PDG different ways. The President
Mr. Kamlesh Mehta along with also invited PDG Kamlesh Me-
many Past Presidents and club hta to say few words and he was
members were present. All con- proud of achievements through
gratulated RCHS members for challenges during the pandem-
their accomplishment in earn- ic and admired President Nili-
ing the Charitable IRS Tax Ex- ma Madan as one of the best
empt Status! RCHS Presidents whose efforts
On April 8, RCHS also held should make her a candidate
its Annual Undergarments Give for the prestigious Rotary Ser-
Away Project, at the outdoor vice Award as he spoke directly
premises of Mid-Island Y JCC, to the DG Ms. Jacquelyn Yon-
in Plainview, Long Island, NY. ick, who in turn expressed how
President Ms. Nilima Madan amazing the club was and ap-
and club members were joined plauded best efforts under her
by NYS Senator Kevin Thom- leadership. President Ms. Nili-
as, the Superintendent of the ma Madan especially thanked
Town of Oyster Bay, Mr. Joseph Rick Lewis, Chief Executive
Saladino and Mr. Sohail Ranat Officer of the Mid-Island Y
who represented the NYS Sen- JCC who made accommodation
ator, Miss Anna Kaplan. Others to provide space for the project
present for this charity giveaway during pandemic times.
event were the Rotary District President Ms. Nilima Madan
7255 Governor, Miss. Jacque- also invited Project Chairs Ms.
lyn Yonick, RCHS Founder Anu Gulati and Dr. Meera Rao
President and PDG, Mr. Kam- to talk about the 250 sets of men
lesh Mehta, Past President and and women underwear, under
AG, Mr. Quddus Mohammed, shirts, sports bras and socks that
Past Presidents, Mr. Dave Vyas were distributed that day. Rep-
Sharma, Miss. Roopam Bham- resentatives of recipient organi-
bri Maini, Dr. Urmilesh Arya, zations who stepped up to the
Service Project Director Jasbir podium were St. Clair Samuel,
Singh, Sergeant at Arms Rekha Mizan Rahman welcomed ev- RCHS President Ms. Nilima Pastor of The United Method-
Gupta, VP Anu Gulati and Riz- eryone at the outset and invit- Madan appreciated the pres- ist Church of Hempstead, NY,
wan Qureshi with other Club ed Club President, Ms. Nilima ence of the officials who made representative of Family & Chil-
Members. Club Secretary, Mr. Madan to address the occasion. time always to support RCHS Continued on next page... >>
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