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Business EYE                                                                 APRIL 23, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          43

                                                                    Tech T@lk

            google’s live captions feature                                           apple may roll out its podcast

            coming to chromebooks soon                                             service at ‘spring loaded’ event

               ech giant Google is roll-                                                 ech company Apple is ex-         As reported by Mashable, in
               ing out some new fea-                                                     pected to announce new  the latest iOS 14.5 beta, the Pod-
        Ttures for Chromebooks,                                                  TiPad Pro models, Air- cast app features a new account
        including the company’s Live                                             Pods 3, and a new item-tracking  button on the ‘Listen Now’ tab
        Captions feature that will be                                            AirTags accessory at its ‘Spring  just like one would find in the
        added to Chrome on most                                                  Loaded’ event on April 20. The  Apple Music app. Additionally,
        Chrome OS devices in the com-                                            company may also announce  the  notifications  settings  have
        ing weeks. As per The Verge,                                             its podcast service at the event.  been moved to another location
        once the Live Captions feature                                           According to Mashable, at the  as well, meaning new account
        is available, users can switch                                           mega event, the company may  and subscription additions may
        them on in the accessibility set-                                        announce a lot of new upgrades  be rolled out. The subscription
        tings to get captions for any me- to Chrome OS that lets users           other than hardware upgrades.  is also rumoured to be part of
        dia with audio right inside their  check the status of and run tests     The iPhone-maker will also an- the company’s Apple One as
        browser. The feature rolled out  on your computer’s battery,             nounce its new Podcasts Sub- well as Apple Music.
        to Chrome on Windows, Mac,  CPU, and memory. That means                  scription service on April 20.           However, there is no news
        and Linux in March. Google  that if the battery isn’t holding a              The new addition was spot- yet as of when Apple might re-
        is also beefing up the Chrome  charge for as long as you think           ted in the beta of iOS 14.5. The  lease  iOS 14.5 to the public.
        OS Launcher, which lets users  it should, you can run a battery          details were revealed by Vox’s  But, the company is suspected
        search  for  files  and  apps,  with  discharge test in the Diagnostics   Peter  Kafka  in  his  findings  in  to announce it on April 20, after
        some new capabilities, allowing  app to see if something’s wrong.        the iOS 14.5. Spotted by 9to- its ‘Spring  Loaded’  event. The
        them to make simple calcula- The new launcher capabilities               5mac, Kafka stated in a tweet  audio streaming giant has also
        tions and check the weather, the  and the Diagnostics app are not        that he is “pretty sure Apple is  recently jumped on the Pod-
        definition of a word, and stock  yet available, but Google told          prepping its own Podcast plan -  casts bandwagon, expanding its
        prices. The tech giant is also  The Verge that the release be-           a paid subscription service - on  business to other than just mu-
        adding a new Diagnostics app  gins rolling out.                          Tuesday.”                            sic streaming.

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