Page 32 - The Indian EYE 040122
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 32

                                                                FILm reVIew

                                    tHe kasHmIr FILes:

                a fine piece of historical realism


               ashmir as a trouble spot has
               caught the attention of the
        Kpeople as have other con-
        flict-ridden  regions  elsewhere  in  the
        world.  However,  due  to  large-scale
        dissemination of motivated informa-
        tion, a distorted picture has come to
        exist in public mind. The focus is, by
        and large, hogged by the perpetrators
        of terror behind the smokescreen of
        “human rights” which are not allowed
        to the victims. Vivek Agnihotri, as the
        writer-director of the movie The Kash-
        mir Files has done a commendable job
        in bringing to the centrestage what had
        remained a side issue in the power pol-
        itics in India.
            The story begins with the menac-
        ing knock by terrorists on the door of
        the house belonging to the Kashmiri
        Hindu Pandit Pushkar Nath (played by   died and he had to take the ashes to   try. The movie informs that this forced   killed  by  Indian  army.  However,  the
        Anupam Kher), a teacher, followed by   their ancient home – now reduced to   exodus is, as per history, the seventh.   news clippings of terror acts of past
        the murder of his son Karan in front of   rubble – in Srinagar as per wishes of   The large-scale execution of Kashmiri   related to the murder of his family at
        latter’s wife and daughter because he   the  grandfather.  He  reaches  Brahm-  Pandits by the Afghan warlord Durra-  the hands of terrorists in army fatigue
        was alleged to be “an Indian spy”. The   ha’s house where, as per the deceased’s   ni during 18th century had left its mark   contained  in  the  Kashmir  files  open
        killer Bitta turns out to be Pushkar’s   wish, his old friends, now retired from   on an island in the Dal Lake. The site   his  eyes  to  reality.  The  consequent
        student only! To add insult to injury,   service, have also gathered – a top   is called Battmazar and there is refer-  speech by Krishna in front of students
        the terrorist Bhatt forces wife to eat   bureaucrat (Mithun Chakravorty),   ence  to  it  in  the  movie.  Incidentally,   is a fine piece of oratory in which he
        the grains mixed with her husband’s   a  state  police  chief  (Puneet  Issar),  a   this is also referred to by the novelist   recounts the glory of old Kashmir and
        blood! This might seem too weird but   scribe (Atul Shrivastav), and a doctor   Rajat Mitra in his Kashmir-based nov-  the successive onslaughts on its culture
        that is what Kashmir was in the 1990s   (Prakash Belawadi). They were around   el The Infidel Next Door. In this sordid   by invaders, culminating in the recent
        when Mufti Mohammad Syed was the   when Krishna’s other family members   scenario, no values guide the terrorists   genocide because of which the Kash-
        Home Minister at the centre and Fa-  were killed but had vowed not to tell   who have been brainwashed by the en-  miri Pandits had to flee the valley.
        rooq Abdullah the state Chief minister.  him anything as the elders have always   emy country and are so steel-hearted   The movie is, thus, an attempt
            As the time-frame shifts in this   thought of not giving pain to their   that they won’t mind killing their own   to give a peep into the problem of
        forward-backward narrative, the spot-  young children, but as the interaction   parents if it were ordered, as per Bit-  displacement of the Kashmiri Pandit
        light focusses on Pushkar’s grandson   progresses, things take a different turn   ta’s confession in a TV interview.   community and is a fine piece of his-
        Krishna (played by Darshan Kumar)   and they have to reveal it all.     The movie deals with the negative   torical  realism.  Incidents  like  the  at-
        studying  in  a  renowned  university  in   The atmosphere of terror that   role played by the self-serving politi-  tack by terrorists in army outfit is also
        Delhi.  He  was  told  that  his  parents   prevailed in the 1990s has been graph-  cians who are hand-in-glove with the   mentioned in Arundhati Roy’s The
        had died in an accident. At the univer-  ically  captured  in  the  movie.  “Raliv,   terrorists, an  illustration  of  which is   Ministry of Utmost Happiness even
        sity, we come across another teacher   galiv, chaliv” (Convert to Islam, leave   provided in the scene where Bramha   though, true to her political views, she
        Radhika (played by Pallavi Joshi), who   Kashmir or die) was the slogan being   goes to report to the chief minister and   has given it alongside an opposite ver-
        is hand-in-glove with Bitta and actively   raised at that time. The hospital doc-  finds a gun-toting terrorist there. The   sion. The boat journey to the terror-
        advances the agenda of Kashmiri sep-  tors were warned against treating “kaf-  movie is also a comment on some ac-  ist’s hideout also seems to have been
        aratists. She mentors Krishna to fight   ir” patients. The body of a murdered   ademics  like  Professor  Radhika.  She   inspired  by  this  novel.  However,  the
        the  election  for  presidentship  of  the   Pandit is seen hanged on a tree. The   had motivated Krishna to  meet her   movie makes use of only the necessary
        student’s union. The prescription pro-  graffiti called upon the Pandit commu-  contact in Srinagar to get “answers to   scenes of violence and is, therefore,
        vided by her to Krishna is to concoct   nity to leave the valley without their   all  his  questions”  and  who  turns  out   not a melodrama. We find the use of
        a narrative of victimhood of Kashmiri   women, showing the ulterior inten-  to be the self-same terrorist, Bitta. His   Kashmiri songs and lullabies at appro-
        Muslims because this will emotionally   tions of the terrorists. Many Kashmiri   pictures with the teacher showcased in   priate places, which makes the movie
        appeal to the young voters, and be-  Pandits were murdered and women   his hideout reveal their collusion. Bitta,   very touching and an authentic piece
        sides, “this is politics”!        raped.  The  hapless  victims  are  still   for a while, is able to persuade Krishna   dealing with Kashmiri culture and life-
            Krishna had been unaware of re-  leading the life of refugees in pitiable   that his is a peaceful Gandhian move-  style and the issues impacting it in the
        ality in Kashmir until his grandfather   conditions in other parts of the coun-  ment and that Krishna’s parents were   recent historical context.

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