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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 28

            Stamford Mayor Caroline Simmons Administer

                        Oath Of Office To Gopio-Ct 2022 Team

        OuR BuREAu

        STAMFORD, CT
               lobal Organization of People
               of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
        G- Connecticut Chapter is a
        very important service organization
        for Stamford,” said Stamford Mayor
        Caroline Simmons at the launch of
        GOPIO-CT 2022 activities on Friday,
        March 4 at the Stamford Hampton
        Inn and Suites.
            The activities for 2022 was inau-
        gurated by the chief guest for the eve-
        ning Indian Consul General Randhir
        Kumar Jaiswal in the presence of
        several organizations which provide
        services to the larger society such as
        Women’s Mentoring Network, Fu-
        ture  5,  Children’s  Learning  Center,
        Building One community, Grassroots
        of Norwalk/Stamford and Stamford
        Public Library. Also present was In-
        dia’s Deputy Consul General in New                   GOPIO-CT delegation after meeting Stamford Mayor Caroline Simmons at the Govt. Center
        York, Dr. Varun Jeph.
            The inaugural event started with
        a prayer and a moment of silence for
        the victims of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
        It was chaired by GOPIO-CT Vice
        President Prasad Chintalapudi who
        said in his initial remarks, “GO-
        PIO-CT is a group of like-minded in-
        dividuals with a commitment for com-
        munity services.”
            Earlier in the day, a GOPIO
        delegation met Mayor Caroline Sim-
        mons and offered help to the city to
        attract businesses from India to start
        outfits in Stamford. Mayor endorsed
        and thanked GOPIO-CT for this ef-
        fort. GOPIO International Chairman
        Dr. Thomas Abraham, who is also an
        advisor and trustee of the chapter,
        highlighted GOPIO-CT’s outstanding
        service activities such as replenishing
        and financially supporting many food
        pantries during the Covid period.                 Stamford Mayor Caroline Simmons administering Oath of Office to the new 2022 team of GOPIO-CT
            “Of all 100+ GOPIO chapters
        worldwide, GOPIO-CT is number
        one in organizing the largest number   vas Akarappu, Treasurer; Anita Bhat;   Mayor Simmons administered   President Ashok Nichani in his formal
        of activities in the last several years and   Immediate Past President; Board   the Oath of Office to the new team.   welcome address said that last year
        complimented the chapter officials for   Members:  Meera  Banta,  Fr.  Sudhir   Mayor Simmons said that Stamford is   the chapter organized some programs
        their new initiatives every year, adding   DeSouza,  Prof.  Ravi  Dhingra,  Prof.   looking for Indian companies to set up   in person and this year most programs
        new programs in its schedule.     Sujata Gadkari-Wilcox, Santosh Gan-  business outfits and that her adminis-  will be in person and hope to have the
            The new team introduced by Dr.   nu, Pradeep Govil, Ram Jhunja, Su-  tration will look into assigning a Crick-  Annual Awards Banquet in June.
        Abraham is headed by Ashok Nichani   shanth Krishnamurthy, Anita Mathur,   et Field in Stamford to serve new im-  GOPIO-CT Treasurer Srinivas
        as  President.  Other  officials  are   Vikas Mathur and Ashvini Persaud;   migrant groups from cricket playing   Akarappu introduced the Chief Guest
        Prasad Chintalapudi,  Executive  Vice   Trustees:  Bhavna  Juneja,  Thomas   countries.  “New  immigrant  groups   Consul General Jaiswal who in his re-
        President;  Dr.  Jaya  Daptardar,  Vice   Abraham (Secretary & Comptroller),   have always enriched Stamford,” Sim-  marks complimented GOPIO-CT for
        President; Prachi Narayan, Secretary;   Shailesh Naik, Totty Narang, Joe Si-  mons added.             its outstanding list of activities every
        Mahesh Jhangiani, Jt. Secretary; Srini-  mon and Shelly Nichani         The newly re-elected GOPIO-CT        Continued at next page... >>

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