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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 01, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
GOPIO-CT officials with India’s Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal and other dignitaries
year. for its continued financial support for Organization of People of Indian Ori- PIOs through community programs,
“We have met Norwalk Mayor their activities and joint programs. gin – serves as a non-partisan, secular, forums, events and youth activities. It
Harry Rilling and now Mayor Sim- Others present were organiza- civic and community service organiza- seeks to strengthen partnerships and
mons, and the Consulate will interact tion representatives including Asso- tion – promoting awareness of Indian create an ongoing dialogue with local
with them for attracting Indian busi- ciation of Indians in America (AIA) culture, customs and contributions of communities.
nesses to Connecticut and American represented by its National President
businesses to India,” said Consul Gen- Gobind Munjal and Vice President
eral Jaiswal. He also said that the US-In- Nilima Madan, National Federation
dian relations are still going strong of Indian American Associations
with cooperation in several areas. (NFIA) represented by its New York
GOPIO Joint Secretary Mahesh Area Vice President Gunjan Rastogi
Jhangiani highlighted the major events and Milan Cultural Association USA
planned for this year which include a represented by its President Suresh
seminar in Venture Capital Opportu- Sharma. The sponsor of the event,
nities in April, Holi Festival of Color First County Bank, was represented
at Mill River Park in April, the signa- by its Vice President Brad Lupinacci.
ture event the Annual Awards Ban- The event was concluded by GO-
quet in June, India Festival and Kite PIO-CT Secretary Prachi Narayan
Flying on August 14that Mill River with a vote a thanks to all those as-
Park, Welcome Dinner for new UCo- sembled.
nn and other university Indian stu- Narayan said, “I want to thank
dents in September, Fall Seminar in the political and social leadership of
October, Diwali Festival of Lights in the region, with whom we work close-
November, Tax and Investment Semi- ly, for their support without which we
nar in December and Annual Holiday cannot achieve our ambitious goal of
Party along with election of new offi- social service to the society at large.”
cers in December. The program ended with a net-
Special guests at the event were working dinner followed by musical
CT State Assembly Representative evening with singers Pallavi Belwariar
Harry Arora, Women’s Mentoring and Srinivas Gunupuru compered by
Network Exec. Director Lana Gifas, GOPIO-CT Vice President Dr. Jaya
Future 5 Founder Clif McFeely and Daptardar.
Executive Director Amanda Du- Over the last 16 years, GO-
bois-Mwake, Children’s Learning PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO Inter-
Center of Fairfield County CEO Marc national has become an active and
Jaffe, Building Community Deputy dynamic organization hosting inter-
Director Don Strait, Grassroots Ex- active sessions with policy makers
ecutive Director Betsy McNeil and and academicians, community events,
Ms. Yelena Klompus who serves as youth mentoring and networking
the ELL, Citizenship & Cultural Pro- workshops, and working with other
grams Manager at the Stamford Pub- area organizations to help create a
lic Library. They thanked GOPIO-CT better future. GOPIO-CT – Global