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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                        APRIL 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 36

               ‘The Kashmir Files’ smashes

         box-office records, wins hearts and minds

              Actor and producer Pallavi Joshi quashes rumours doing rounds on the internet claiming

                                            that their film contains some fictional content

        Director of ‘The Kashmir Files’ Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri and actress Pallavi Joshi during a press   Members of Brahmins Community arrive to watch “The Kashmir Files” at Cinemax theatre in
                         conference in Lucknow on Sunday. (ANI Photo)                            Surat on Wednesday. (ANI Photo)

        OuR BuREAu                        Pallavi Joshi quashed rumours doing   something  wrong  in  the  film,  then   on such a topic must be seen by all
                                          rounds on the internet claiming their   you can come and see all the 4,000   Indians).”
                                          recently released film ‘The Kashmir   hours of  research that we have on   He added, “This film has touched
              ivek  Agnihotri’s  latest  direc-  Files’  contains  some  fictional  con-  our videos.”        the emotions of all people who be-
              torial  venture,  ‘The  Kashmir   tent.  At  a  press  conference  held  in   ‘The Kashmir Files’ movie re-  lieve in humanity and that is what is
        VFiles’, is unstoppable at the    Lucknow city, Uttar Pradesh on Sun-  volves around the genocide of Kash-  so beautiful about it. I will definitely
        box  office.  The  film,  featuring  An-  day, the team was asked if the reports   miri Pandits in 1990 and has been   watch the film and I am happy to see
        upam Kher in the lead, registered a   of the movie containing fictional con-  directed by Vivek Agnihotri, known   that the film is successful.”
        strong second weekend, crossing the   tent were true.               for films like ‘Tashkent Files’, ‘Hate   Also, Jammu and Kashmir Lieu-
        Rs 150 crore mark. Indian film crit-  Film producer Pallavi Joshi who   Story’ and ‘Buddha in a Traffic Jam’.  tenant Governor Manoj Sinha on
        ic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh   has also played Professor Radhika   Meanwhile, actor Aamir Khan   Tuesday said The Kashmir Files de-
        shared the movie’s box office collec-  Menon--the believer in the ‘Kashmir   has become the latest celebrity  to   picts “several things that people did
        tion on his Twitter handle.       Cause’ in the movie, rubbished the   come  out  in  support  of  filmmaker   not know” which have now come to
            The film, which has been shatter-  rumours and revealed that she and   Vivek  Agnihotri’s  latest  film  ‘The   the public domain.
        ing  box  office  records,  collected  Rs   her  husband  Vivek  Agnihotri  spent   Kashmir Files’, which revolves   “If someone makes a film, they
        3.55 crore on its opening day. It wit-  about four years doing the research   around  the  genocide of  Kashmiri   have a perspective. I think it is good
        nessed an increase in numbers on the   work for the movie.          Pandits in 1990.                  that several things, which people
        first Saturday, earning Rs 8.50 crore.   “We went across the world, USA,   On Sunday, Aamir visited the   didn’t know, have come to the public
        The movie registered even higher fig-  UK, Germany, Singapore, Jammu   national capital to attend a fan event   domain and people now have fresh
        ures on its first Sunday and Monday,   and Kashmir, Pune, Thailand, Delhi,   for the SS Rajamouli directorial   knowledge  of  the  same,”  Manoj
        minting Rs 15.10 crore and Rs 15.05   wherever we could find the first fam-  ‘RRR’.  On  being  asked  by  the  me-  Sinha said.
        crore, respectively.              ily of the victim, whose father was   dia if he had watched ‘The Kashmir   Speaking about the PM’s ap-
            The hard-hitting drama, which   murdered, whose mother was raped,   Files’, Aamir said in Hindi, “Ji za-  proval of the film, the Governor said,
        revolves around the genocide of   the children who saw their parents   roor dekhunga main...Wo ek history   “I  think  the  PM  thought  well  of  it.
        Kashmiri Pandits in 1990, stars   being murdered in front of their   ka aisa hissa hain jo dil dukta hain   Someone might have a different opin-
        Anupam, Pallavi Joshi, Mithun     eyes..  We  have  met  those  people,”  Kashmiri  Pandits  k  sath   ion, if someone wants to make a dif-
        Chakraborty,  Darshan   Kumaar,   Joshi said during the media interac-  hua hain, wo dukh ka baat hain...aur   ferent film, then they have the right to
        Puneet Issar, Mrinal Kulkarni and   tion.                           aise film jo bani hain uss topic pe woh   do it. Where else will you find a coun-
        others.  The  film  has  been  declared   She added, “We shot their long   yakennan har Hindustandi ko dekh-  try better than this where you can re-
        tax-free in several states including   format video interviews and we have   na chaiye (Yes, I will definitely see.   side by saying whatever you want?”
        Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Goa, Hary-  those  videos  that  too  will  bring  in   The story is a part of our history and   His remarks came after PM
        ana and Uttarakhand.              front  of  people...  So  if  there’s  any-  whatever happened with the Kash-  Modi expressed his support  for the
            Meanwhile, actor and producer   body who is accusing me that I have   miri Pandits was really sad. Any film   film and called it a “very good movie”.

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