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IMMIGRATION                                                              APRIL 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 40

            Some Highlights of the EB-5


              CSPA Protection and How 245(k) and Concurrent

               Filing Combine to Create a New Option for Some

            Applicants Who Have Recently Dropped Out of Status

        DAVID ISAACSON             as Division BB of the appro-  lights that seemed particular-  Both of these are contained
                                   priations bill (at pages 1022  ly worth mentioning.    in section 102(d) of Division   under  the  former  law,
              he recently enacted  to 1061 of the PDF version     Section 203(h)(5) of the   BB (at page 1027 of the PDF
              Consolidated    Ap-  of the bill).  Others have al-  Immigration and National-  version of the bill).  therefore, the eB-5 pro-
        Tpropriations  Act  of  ready produced summaries  ity Act, as added by section       Under previous law,  gram was not a useful
        2022, which was signed into  of the bill, such as one draft-  102(b) of Division BB (at   EB-5  petitions  and  applica-  option for people who
        law  on  March  15  after  the  ed shortly before the Presi-  pages 1026-1027 of the PDF   tions for adjustment of status
        House  and  Senate  resolved  dent signed the bill by Robert  version of the bill), provides   could  not  be  filed  concur- wanted  to  remain  in
        their  differences earlier  in  Divine of Baker Donelson  additional protection under   rently, and INA § 245(k) did   the  united  states,  but
        the month, reauthorized the  and posted by Invest in the  the Child Status Protection   not apply to EB-5 petitions.
        EB-5  Regional  Center  pro-  USA, and I will not here at-  Act for some children of in-  The former meant that it   lacked access to a long-
        gram and made  some  other  tempt an exhaustive list of all  vestors who would otherwise   was necessary to file an EB-5   term nonimmigrant sta-
        changes to the EB-5 program  of the changes contained in  age out of their derivative   petition and wait for it to be   tus or had briefly fallen
        in the “EB-5 Reform and In-  almost 40 pages of statutory  status.  If  a  child  becomes  a   approved  before  filing  an
        tegrity Act of 2022”, included  text, but there are a few high-  Lawful Permanent Resident   I-485 application for adjust- out of status for what-
                                                                 (LPR) on a conditional   ment of status, and the wait   ever reason. with these
                                                                  basis through a parent’s   could  be  very  long:  current
                                                                  investment,  and  the   posted  USCIS  processing  amendments, on the
                                                                  parent’s conditional res-  times indicate that an I-526   other hand, it can be.
                                                                  ident  status  is  later  ter-  Petition  by  Alien  Investor
                                                                  minated because of, for   under  the  EB-5  program   Imagine, for example, a
                                                                  example, failure to cre-  can  take  anywhere  from  35   well-off L-1A nonimmigrant
                                                                  ate the requisite number   months  to  71.5  months  to   manager or executive sent
                                                                  of U.S. jobs, there will be   adjudicate.  During  those   to  open  a  new  office  in  the
                                                                  a one-year window after   three to six years, the inves-  United States who runs into
                                                                  the termination during   tor/petitioner would have to   trouble after a year because
                                                                  which the parent can file   either maintain status in the   the sponsoring company’s
                                                                  a new EB-5 petition and   United States, or (if already   business  operation  has  not
                                                                  the child (if still unmar-  here) leave the country.   yet developed to the point
                                                                  ried) will continue to     And  when  the  time  fi-  that USCIS acknowledges it
                                                                  qualify as a child under   nally came to apply for ad-  to be able to support his or
                                                                  the new petition even if   justment of status, the inap-  her continued efforts as a
                                                                  then over age 21.       plicability  of  section  245(k)   manager  or  executive.  If  an
                                                                      Likely of relevance   meant that absent some rare
                                                                  to more people are two   exceptions, the investor/pe-  L-1A extension is denied,
                                                                                                                     and an EB-1C I-140 petition
                                                                  provisions of Division   titioner would have to prove   for a manager or executive is
                                                                  BB which can have a par-  that they had maintained   not a viable option because
                     m of                                         ticularly powerful effect   status continuously, without   USCIS would deny it for the
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          in  combination:  the  ad-  even small gaps, and had   same reason, the previous
                                                                                          never worked without au-
                                                                  dition of EB-5 petitions
                                                                                             to those covered by INA   thorization.    law would not have allowed
             §  245(k),  and  the  addi-  This is in contrast to most   the nonimmigrant to remain
                                                                  tion of a new section §   employment-based  green  in the United States while
                                                                   pursuing  the  EB-5  process
                                                   
             ­       245(n) allowing concur-  card categories, where sec-
                                                                  rent  filing  of  an  appli-  tion 245(k) provides for lim-  An I-526 petition would have
              ‚                                                                                after falling out of L-1 status.
                                                                  cation for adjustment of   ited forgiveness of up to 180   had no direct impact on the
                                                                  status where approval of   days of time out of status or   nonimmigrant’s status until
                                                                  an EB-5 petition would   employed without authori-
          2              6th Floor                                make  a  visa  number   zation since one’s last admis-  years later.
                                                                  immediately  available.   sion into the United States.  Continued at next page... >>
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