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COMMUNITY OP-ED MARCH 08, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
Making it Easier for Working-Class
New Yorkers to File Their Taxes and
Put Money Back into Their Pockets
Jobs are up, crime is down, and our streets are cleaner,
but we know the hustle is still real for so many across our city
ew York City was built on
the backs of working-class
NNew Yorkers; people like my
mother, Dorothy Mae Adams, a sin-
gle mother who worked multiple jobs
to support my five siblings and myself. Free tax prep is another simple and straightforward way our administration is making sure working-class
She sacrificed everything for us, and
I know that there are thousands of New Yorkers get their fair share (File photo)
New Yorkers doing the same today in
our city for their families. test scores, and revolutionized read- offer tax services for self-employed Free tax prep is another simple
Those are the people we have ing in our classrooms. New Yorkers, including freelance and straightforward way our admin-
been fighting for since day one of this Jobs are up, crime is down, and workers, gig workers, and small busi- istration is making sure working-class
administration. We’ve been clear that our streets are cleaner, but we know ness owners. New Yorkers get their fair share, and
our mission has been to deliver those the hustle is still real for so many And a number of New York City it is the easiest way to get the maxi-
working-class New Yorkers a city that across our city. That is why we are Health + Hospitals locations are also mum tax credits and the full refund
protects public safety, revitalizes the fighting to put money back into New offering free, in-person and virtual you deserve.
economy, and is more livable. Yorkers’ pockets — money they have tax prep for eligible New Yorkers. Putting money back into your
We’ve made our city safer, creat- earned and need to support their Select sites offer support in Spanish, pockets is also exactly why our ad-
ed 270,000 private-sector jobs, set a families. Chinese, and Bengali, and virtual tax ministration went to Albany to secure
first-of-its-kind minimum wage for de- We know that filing taxes can be preparation is available in Spanish as the first increase in the city’s Earned
liveristas, and worked with our broth- overwhelming, so, this tax season, our well, so New Yorkers from different Income Tax Credit in 20 years — to
ers and sisters in labor to get them administration is making it easier for backgrounds can get their taxes filed ensure that New Yorkers get to keep
the pay and benefits they deserve. New Yorkers to file. for free. the money that helps them pay for
We have broken affordable hous- If your family earns $85,000 or New Yorkers can schedule an ap- the essentials like bills, rent, and food.
ing records — financing the most less or you make $59,000 or less as pointment at a NYC Free Tax Prep lo- Our administration will continue
affordable homes in city history and a single filer, you can get your taxes cation in advance at working every day to ensure work-
connecting more New Yorkers to af- done for free with NYC Free Tax Prep. and must bring identification and ing-class New Yorkers can keep their
fordable homes than any other year New Yorkers can file their taxes for proof of income to their appointment. fair share, and this tax season, we’re
in our city’s history. free at any one of our NYC Tax Prep For virtual services, New Yorkers can making it easier than ever to do so.
We drove down the cost of child- locations across the five boroughs upload their documents and meet
care for working parents, increased or online at virtually with a tax preparer to review Eric Adams is the Mayor of
public school enrollment, boosted Some of these locations also their tax return before submission. New York City, NY