Page 14 - The Indian EYE 030824
P. 14

MARCH 08, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 14

        is a new threat to Junta. These groups
        unite to fight against the military by
        keeping all their differences aside for
        a common goal towards democracy.
        Since Operation 1027, it is reported
        that more than 5,500 military troops
        have been either seized or murdered,
        along with 10 Brigadier generals. A
        total number of not less than 30,000
        troops lost their lives since then.
            The Acting President of the Na-
        tional Unity Government (NUG),
        Duwa Lashi La, in a press release
        on 1 February 2024, stated that the
        people of Myanmar “shattered a de-
        cades-old myth that the Myanmar
        people can never topple the military”.
        He appreciated the people of Myan-
        mar  for  fighting  against  the  junta
        with resilience, renewed resistance,
        sacrifice, unity, and momentum. He
        affirmed that the Spring Revolution
        (which began in Feb 2021) would be-
        come more assertive in the days to
        come with the support of like-mind-
        ed friends such as Australia, Canada,
        the European Union, New Zealand,
        Norway, the Republic of Korea, Swit-    India, which shares a 1643km long porous border with Myanmar, has been impacted brutally since Feb 2021 due to the influx of
        zerland, the United Kingdom and the
        United States. Duwa Lashi La urged                                Myanmar refugees from across the border (File photo)
        the world community to support the
        people of Myanmar to:             ship  with  rebel  groups such  as  the   ducted naval drills in the Andaman   Though India has called for the res-
                “Formally recognize the Nation-  United Wa State Army (UWSA) by   Sea. Besides, Russia and Myanmar   toration of democracy, it plays a bal-
        al Unity Government and its Ethnic   supplying with “man-portable air-de-  signed several agreements, including   anced approach, given the trans-bor-
        partners.     Increase direct financial,   fense systems, howitzers, a wide   the MoU for nuclear construction, in   der issues pertinent to immigration,
        technical, material, and humanitarian   range of mortars, rocket launchers,   October 2023 to address Myanmar’s   insurgency,  and  drug  trafficking,  to
        assistance. Block the Junta’s access to   machine-guns  and  assault  rifles  and   fuel and electricity crisis. Myanmar   safeguard its security interests. India
        arms, weapons, cash, and jet fuel. Re-  armored personnel carriers” (Lint-  gains protection from the United Na-  provided  fuel  and weapons  to  the
        ject any junta to launch a negotiated   ner, 2019) in fighting against the jun-  tions being with Russia while reduc-  Junta. It is reported that Indian enti-
        settlement as a lifetime.”        ta.  Reflecting  on  China’s  policy  in   ing its dependency on China. Russia,   ties have delivered $51 million worth
            Amidst the complexity, an-    Myanmar, Lintner opines that “Chi-  in  return,  finds  a  new  gateway’  for   of military-related exports to Myan-
        other irrefutable facet of the con-  na is not interested in peace the way   itself, connecting the Western Indi-  mar since Feb coup.
        flict  is  the  great  powers’  interest  in   people in Myanmar see it, that is, a   an Ocean with the Eastern Indian
        Myanmar, given its vital geo-stra-  political solution to decades of eth-  Ocean and further linking with South   ASSESSMENT
        tegic  and  geo-political  significance.   nic wars. China doesn’t want either;   and Southeast Asia.     The February coup is disparate
        Myanmar, thus, has become a bat-  it wants stability, which, for the time   Unlike China and Russia, the   from those earlier ones. Firstly, most
        tleground between  those  who  want   being, means a status it can use to   U.S./West supports the NUG instead   of the Barman ethnic group allied
        to restore democracy and those who   achieve its geostrategic goals” (Zaw,   of the Junta. Just after the coup, they   with other rebel groups in the pro-de-
        support the military junta. A case   2019). For instance, China delegated   imposed sanctions on selected Myan-  mocracy movement against the mili-
        in point is the U.S./West’s sanc-  its new special envoy for Myanmar   mar military personnel or enterpris-  tary. It has shifted a new paradigm in
        tions on the Junta against China   to meet with the seven most potent   es. They even used platforms like the   the civil war of Myanmar. Secondly,
        and Russia’s support of the coup.  ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)   ASEAN with like-minded nations like   Myanmar  becomes  a  battlefield  for
                                          in December 2022. Instead of any   Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia to   great  power  competition  as  China
           CHINA VERSUS THE WEST          decisive political solution, Beijing   restore democracy. They supported   and Russia are supporting the coup
            In Myanmar, China’s interests lie   urged  EAOs  to  maintain  a  distance   NUG, the National Unity Consul-  against the U.S./West. Great powers
        in its economic and strategic signifi-  from  the  West-backed  NUG.  Chi-  tative Council, and other groups in   are getting involved to showcase their
        cance by accessing the Indian Ocean   nese diplomats often attempted to be   reestablishing peace. However, ASE-  power, influence, and values, similar
        directly. Another is procuring ener-  peace brokers between the junta and   AN ‘s ‘five-point consensuses’ could   to those proxy wars fought during the
        gy by developing an energy corridor   the members of the Federal Political   not be implemented, and the whole   Cold War, but in their national in-
        through Kyaukpyu deep seaport and   Negotiation and Consultative Com-  effort did not bear fruitful results. On   terest. Thirdly, Naypyidaw is playing
        overcoming the Malacca dilemma.   mittee (FPNCC). Still, it could not   the contrary, countries like Indonesia   many cards and hedging with as many
        The third is to exert more influence   achieve any positive results.  and Thailand began to engage bilat-  great powers as possible to maximize
        in Naypyidaw by diluting the West’s   Russia, which has been a friend   erally with Myanmar.          its power and achieve goals.
        influence. Hence, China’s unstoppa-  of Myanmar for years, supports the   India, which shares a 1643km
        ble support of the Junta benefits its   military regime by supplying weap-  long porous border with Myanmar,   This article first appeared in the Web
        short- and long-term interests.   ons such as aircraft. It is a way to   has been impacted brutally since   Articles section of the website (www.
            However, the Dragon plays a   contest its supremacy with the West.   Feb 2021 due to the influx of Myan- of Centre for Land Warfare
        double role by balancing its relation-  Myanmar and Russia recently con-  mar refugees from across the border.   Studies, New Delhi

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