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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 08, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 20

                 A Universal Message of Harmony and

           Compassion Finds Its Home on the Moon

         in the Historic IM-1 Lunar Landing: BAPS

            ‘In the joy of others lies our own, in the good of others abides our own’ – a simple, yet

           profound maxim of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj was etched on a disc that

               travelled on aboard IM-1 on a remarkable journey to the south pole of the Moon.

        OUR BUREAU
        Piscataway, NJ
               n Thursday, February 22,
               2024, at 6:23 pm, the Intuitive
        OMachines-1 commercial land-
        er, in collaboration with NASA and
        SpaceX, successfully landed on the
        Moon, carrying along with it an etched
        disc commemorating the life and uni-
        versal messages of His Holiness Pra-
        mukh Swami Maharaj (1921-2016),
        the late spiritual leader of the BAPS
        Swaminarayan Hindu organization.
            Amid the celebrations that fol-
        lowed the exciting announcement
        from mission director Tim Crane,
        “Odysseus has found its new home,”
        soared a loving tribute in the hearts
        of those  who  knew  Pramukh Swa-
        mi Maharaj. ‘In the joy of others
        lies our own, in the good of others
        abides our own,’ was his life mot-
        to, a simple but profound message,
        etched on a disc developed by Rel-
        ative Dynamics, that travelled along
        IM-1 on this remarkable journey to
        the south pole of the Moon.
            The mission not only represent-
        ed the first controlled descent to the
        lunar surface by a U.S. spacecraft in
        over 50 years, but also symbolized,   Intuitive Machines and Relative   on December 29, 2022 during the   May harmony and unity spread
        as aptly put by NASA Administra-  Dynamics Inc., the IM-1 mission   centennial celebrations of Pramukh   everywhere in the world. May love
        tor Bill Nelson, a “triumph for hu-  will fly an eternal tribute to His Ho-  Swami Maharaj in Amdavad, India.   and respect for each other flourish
        manity.” A triumph in the form of a   liness Pramukh Swami Maharaj,   It carries Mahant Swami Maharaj’s   everywhere. May auspicious wishes
        universal message of harmony and   the fifth guru of the BAPS Swam-  heartfelt prayer of peace and happi-  come true.”
        compassion  for  all  of  humanity  as   inarayan  organization. The etch-  ness for all:                 Stressing this spirit of the shared
        lived by a spiritual leader, coming   ing  honors  the  life  and  service  of   “In  the  joy  of  others  lies  our   values for all of humanity, Intuitive
        together  with  the  finest  applica-  Pramukh Swami Maharaj, a Hindu   own. In the good of others abides   Machines CEO Stephen Altemus,
        tion of science and technology in   spiritual leader who championed   our own. With this life-motto, His   remarked, “It is clear that space
        a spacecraft by scientists and inno-  the universal human value of self-  Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj   exploration endeavors are for all of
        vators, to ascend in unison towards   less service. Such a cultural engage-  (1921-2016), a universal spiritual   us, all of humanity, to strive for and
        this historic lunar landing.      ment between nations and corpora-  leader and great saint of our time,   share in.”
            Commemorating the teachings   tions allows for the development of   dedicated his entire life in the up-  In this manner, a universal mes-
        and universality of the values prac-  shared values, efforts, and responsi-  liftment of humanity. On the occa-  sage of harmony, unity, and com-
        ticed by Pramukh Swami Maharaj,   bility in the pursuit of space explo-  sion of his Centenary Celebrations,   passion touched the Moon in a true
        Intuitive Machines shared the fol-  ration.”                        I pray at the lotus feet of Bhagwan   extension of the Hindu scriptural
        lowing message on LinkedIn ahead      The disc was blessed by the cur-  Swaminarayan that may all people   sentiment,  Vasudhaiva  Kutum-
        of the landing:                   rent spiritual leader of BAPS, His   get bliss and happiness through im-  bakam, meaning, ‘The world is one
            “Created in coordination with   Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj,   bibing spiritual and moral values.   family.’

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