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February 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 35
aapi’s global Healthcare summit 2021
to be held in vaizag, andhra pradesh
The groundbreaking meeting from April 30th to May 3rd, 2021 will discuss ways to bring
the most innovative, efficient and cost-effective healthcare solutions for India
Dr Prasad Chalasani Dr Ravi Raju Dr Sajani Shah Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalgadda
Our Bureau Overseas Affairs and regulato- supervised skill transfer. ment options and share ways to
ry bodies are collaborating with Dr. Prasad Chalasani, Chair truly improve healthcare tran-
Chicago, IL
AAPI with the ultimate goal to of AAPI GHS USA 2021 says, scending global boundaries.”
he 14th annual Glob- provide access to high quality “With over 200 physicians from According to Dr. Ravi Kolli,
al Healthcare Summit and affordable healthcare to all the United States, the Sum- Vice President of AAPI, “This
T(GHS) 2021, organized people of India.” mit is expected to be attended international health care sum-
by the Association of Ameri- While elaborating on the by nearly 1,000 delegates from mit is a progressive transfor-
can Physicians of Indian Origin themes and areas that are going around the world. AAPI Global mation from the first Indo-US
(AAPI) in collaboration with to be covered during the Summit, Healthcare Summit (GHS) will Healthcare Summit launched by
the Indian Ministry of Health Dr. Sajani Shah, Chair of AAPI have many new initiatives and AAPI USA in 2007. Since then,
and Family Welfare, will be held BOT, says, “In our efforts to re- also will be carrying the torch of AAPI has organized 13 Indo -
at the prestigious Novotel, Vi- alize the core mission of AAPI, ongoing projects undertaken by US/Global Healthcare Summits
sakhapatnam, India from April which is to share the best from AAPI’s past leaders.” and developed strategic allianc-
30th to May 3rd, 2021. leading experts from around the Dr. Ravi Raju, Chair of es with various organizations.”
“Harnessing the power of world, to collaborate on clinical GHS India, “Healthcare in In- Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, Sec-
Indian doctors worldwide, the challenges, research and devel- dia is one of the largest sectors, retary of AAPI, says, “It is these
AAPI Global Healthcare Sum- opment, philanthropy, policy in terms of revenue and em- learning and relationships that
mit platform has evolved with and standards formulation, the ployment. India is making sig- have now enabled AAPI and
the support of prominent glob- Summit in Visakhapatnam will nificant improvements in the participating organizations to
al and Indian medical associa- have clinical tracks that are of healthcare infrastructure and is plan ahead and prepare for an
tions,” says Dr. Sudhakar Jonn- vital to healthcare in India.” building modern medical facil- outstanding event that is expect-
algadda, President of AAPI. In Chronic diseases, notably ities throughout India. Indian ed to have over 300 very prom-
addition, several international diabetes, cardiovascular, hyper- doctors have made tremendous inent and talented physicians
healthcare industry partners are tension, COPD, oncology, ma- progress in the 21st century and and surgeons of Indian origin
looking for opportunities to par- ternal and infant mortality, and India is now being touted as a from around the world and are
ticipate at this event for greater emerging ones - trauma and medical tourism hub” very passionate about serving
collaboration on Research & head injury, transplant and min- While elaborating the ob- their homeland, Mother India.”
Development and philanthrop- imally invasive robotic surgeries jectives of the Summit, Dr. Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Trea-
ic engagements, he adds. are only some of those that are Anupama Gotimukula, Presi- surer of AAPI, says, “With the
According to him, “Senior going to be covered during this dent-Elect of AAPI, says, “This changing trends and statistics in
leaders from leading healthcare Summit. An exclusive Health- innovative Summit is aimed at healthcare, both in India and US,
organizations such as pharma- care CEO forum brings the advancing the accessibility, af- we are refocusing our mission
ceuticals, device and medical healthcare industry perspective, fordability and the quality of and vision, AAPI would like to
equipment manufacturers and with senior Government offi- world-class healthcare to the make a positive and meaningful
major medical teaching insti- cials, both Union and State pro- people of India. Among oth- impact on the healthcare deliv-
tutions, hospitals and from the viding the legislative wisdom. er areas, the Summit will focus ery system both in the US and
Ministries – Health, External/ Hands-on workshops provide on prevention, diagnosis, treat- in India,”
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