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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               February 26, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          32

                  neWsmaKeRs of tHe WeeK

                                   KiRan aHuJa                                    cy and commitment to diversity advocacy.

                Biden nominates lawyer                                                                   anJali bHaRdWaJ

              to lead Office of personnel                                                                us honors

                            management                                                 indian social activist with

                                                                                           anti-corruption award

                                                                                     ndian social activist Anjali Bhardwaj is one of the 12 “coura-
                                                                                     geous” individuals named
                                                                                 Iby US President Joe Biden’s
                                                                                 administration for the newly-in-
                                                                                  stituted International Anti-Cor-
                                                                                 ruption  Champions  Award.
                                                                                 The US State Department rec-
                                                                                 ognized that Bhardwaj has been
                                                                                 an active member of the Right
                                                                                 to Information Movement in
                                                                                 India for over two decades.
                                                                                     While     announcing       the
                                                                                 awards on Tuesday, US Secre-
                                                                                 tary of State Antony Blinken
                                                                                  said: “The Biden administra-
                                                                                 tion recognizes that we will be
                 S President Joe Biden on Tuesday nominated Indian Amer- successful  in  combating  these
                 ican lawyer and activist Kiran Arjandas Ahuja to head the  issues only by working in con-
        UOffice of Personnel Management (OPM). Ahuja is a for- cert with committed partners,
        mer US Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyer and also served as  including courageous individ-
        the Chief of Staff to Director of the OPM from 2015 to 2017.             uals who champion anti-cor-
            Ahuja would become the first Indian American to serve this  ruption efforts and countries
        top position if she gets confirmed by the Senate. OPM is a federal  working  to  fulfill  their  commitments  to  international  anti-cor-
        agency that manages the US civil service.                                ruption standards.” Blinken stated that the reason behind the
            Ahuja has more than 20 years of experience in public service  announcement of the award is to recognize individuals who re-
        and nonprofit sector leadership. Currently, she is the CEO of  lentlessly work “to defend transparency, combat corruption, and
        Philanthropy Northwest, a regional network of philanthropic in- ensure accountability in their own countries” even while facing
        stitutions, which works towards advancing knowledge and action  adversities.
        in philanthropy. During the Barack Obama administration, Ahuja               While responding to the award announcement, Bhardwaj
        was the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian  tweeted: “This is a recognition of the collective effort of people
        Americans and Pacific Islanders. In her role, she carried out efforts  and groups across the country who hold power to account.”
        to increase access to federal services, resources, and programs              Bhardwaj founded the Satark Nagrik Sangathan (SNS), a citi-
        for underserved Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).  zens’ group focused on improving transparency and accountabil-
            Ahuja started her profession as a civil rights lawyer at the DOJ,  ity within the government and fostering the active participation
        disputing school desegregation cases, and filed the department’s  of citizens. She is also a convener of the National Campaign for
        first student racial harassment case. She also was a Founding Ex- Peoples’ Right to Information (NCPRI). NCPRI advocates for
        ecutive Director of an advocacy organization named National  an anti-corruption ombudsman and the Whistle Blower Protec-
        Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum.                                    tion Act, which will provide security to people who expose cor-
            In a statement, acting OPM Director Kathleen McGettigan  ruption and abuse of power.
        said: “Having worked with Kiran before, I can personally attest              Ardian Dvorani (Albania), Diana Salazar (Ecuador), Sophia
        to her deep appreciation for the critical role this agency plays in  Pretrick (Micronesia), Juan Francisco Sandoval Alfaro (Guate-
        powering a strong federal government and her commitment to  mala), Ibrahima Kalil Gueye (Guinea), Dhuha A Mohammed
        empowering the OPM workforce with the tools and support it  (Iraq), Bolot Temirov (Kyrgyz Republic), Mustafa Abdullah
        needs to deliver on its important work.”                                 Sanalla (Libya), Victor Sotto (The Philippines), Francis Ben Kai-
            The American Federation of Government Employees and  fala (Sierra Leone), and Ruslan Ryaboshapka (Ukraine) are the
        National Treasury Employees Union also appreciated Ahuja’s  other awardees.
        nomination due to her vast experience in federal personnel poli-                                                 Continued on next page... >>

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