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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline February 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 28
RasHaana sHaH
an asian entrepreneur set
to carve her space in hollywood
Our Bureau One of the movies Mulber-
Los Angeles ry is looking forward to mak-
ing after the pandemic is Pur-
ndia-born Rashaana Shah ple America. Based on a Rick
is the Managing Director of Moody novel, it is about an es-
IMulberry Films, a film and tranged son who has to decide
television production company whether or not he is going to
based in Los Angeles that has agree to his dying mother’s re-
acquired multiple bestselling quest for assisted suicide. Yan
books for film and television England, an Academy Award
adaption. Ms. Shah says, “We nominee, is attached to direct.
want to dwell in true stories of Robert Menzies, who had great
real heroes that resonate with success with the Mel Gibson
global audiences.” film Fatman is co-producing the
Mulberry’s project Nanda movie with Mulberry.
Devi has recently been in the Mulberry is also the co-ex-
headlines because of the trag- ecutive producer on the televi-
ic glacier burst in Uttarakhand, sion show Ungifted, based on
India that resulted in the deaths the children’s novel by Gor-
of approximately fifty people. don Korman. The project was
In 1965, the United States and picked up by Nickelodeon in
India collaborated in an attempt 2020 prior to the pandemic, and
to install a listening device at should get into production soon.
25,000 feet on the mountain Multiple Emmy award nominee
Nanda Devi to monitor the and DGA award winner, Jona-
nearby Chinese nuclear test site. than Judge, is attached to direct.
The listening device was pow- “We have many great proj-
ered by highly radioactive plu- ects lined up with very talented
tonium, and was lost during the people attached to them,” says
expedition. It has been specu- Ms. Shah, “and we really believe
lated that it may be the cause the next couple of years are go-
of the recent glacier burst in ing to be great for Mulberry.”
Uttarakhand. Mulberry will be Ms. Shah graduated from
producing this movie with Scott Pune Institute of Computer
Rosenfelt (Home Alone, Criti- Technology (PICT) with a de-
cal Thinking). gree in computer science. By
Regarding some of Mulber- the age of 25, she was running
ry’s bolder book acquisitions, three international companies
Ms. Shah says, “I feel obliged to in India, and she moved to Los
tell stories through the medium Angeles, California five years
of cinema even if they’re con- ago to run Mulberry full-time.
troversial. It’s a way of giving a As a woman from India, Ms.
voice to those who are unheard.” Shah hopes that her success in-
While the COVID-19 pan- spires not only other women but
demic has stopped production, all people who are judged on
Ms. Shah and Mulberry Films anything other than the merit of
have used this time to further their work. “I’ve been inspired
develop their projects by at- by Indians who have overcome
taching directors and actors and the challenges of doing business
preparing for the future. in the United Stat
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