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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               February 26, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          26

          Haunted by her tweets, neera tanden’s

                                     future hangs in balance

          President Joe Biden’s nomination to lead the Office of Management and Budget has very

                                  slim chance of getting the position confirmed by the Senate

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    cause Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.
                                                                                                                      Va.) has said he will oppose her,
        Washington, DC                                                                                                the White House needs to hold

                eera Tanden saw both                                                                                  together the rest of the Dem-
                of her Senate commit-                                                                                 ocratic caucus and pick up at
        Ntee votes postponed                                                                                          least one GOP senator.
        Wednesday morning as her                                                                                          Murkowski is viewed as the
        nomination to lead the White                                                                                  final  up-for-grabs  GOP  vote,
        House  budget  office  nears  the                                                                             after Republican Sens. Susan
        brink of collapse and as biparti-                                                                             Collins (Maine), Mitt Rom-
        san appetite to elevate an alter-                                                                             ney (Utah) and Rob Portman
        native nominee grows.                                                                                         (Ohio) all came out in opposi-
            The Senate Homeland Secu-                                                                                 tion to her nomination.
        rity and Governmental Affairs                                                                                    The OMB is a department
        and Budget committees sent out                                                                                that deals with developing the
        notices Wednesday saying that                                                                                 president’s budget and evalu-
        their slated votes  on Tanden’s                                                                               ating the projects and expendi-
        nomination to become director                                                                                 tures of his department secre-
        of  the  Office  of  Management                                                                               taries. If confirmed, Tanden will
        and Budget would be delayed.                                                                                  be the first Indian American to
        “We are postponing the business                                                                               serve as director of the OMB.
        meeting because members need  erful White House budget office  that Tanden continues to work                      Speaking during the intro-
        more time to consider the nom- has generated early controversy,  for her confirmation with “both  duction  of  members of  Presi-
        inee,” said a Democratic aide  emerging as an immediate tar- parties.”                                        dent-elect Joe Biden’s econom-
        on the Homeland Security com- get for conservatives and Re-                  Taking into consideration  ic team, the Indian-American
        mittee. “The president deserves  publican  lawmakers.  Neera  is  Manchin’s opposition, Tanden  appointee had said, “Like the
        to have a team in place that he  said to have run in trouble with  will most likely need at least one  Vice President-elect’s (Kamala
        wants, and we’re going to work  some of the Republican sena- Republican  for  her  confirma- Harris) mother, Shyamala, my
        with our members to figure out  tors due to her comments about  tion.                                         mother, Maya, was born in India.
        the best path forward.”              certain members of the Senate.          But Sen. Lisa Murkows- Like so many millions, across
            Joe Biden’s nomination              Earlier on Friday,  Demo- ki (R-Alaska) said Wednesday  every generation, she came to
        looks as if it is going to  fail  cratic Senator Joe Manchin  that she hasn’t made a decision  America to pursue a better life. I
        Senate  confirmation  because  announced that he will oppose  on Neera Tanden’s nomination,  was raised in a suburb of Boston
        of her tweets. In her years be- Neera Tanden, President Joe  leaving President Biden’s pick  -- a middle-class kid.” “Now, it’s
        fore  the  Twitter mast,  Tanden  Biden’s nomination to lead the  to  lead  the  Office  of  Manage- my honor to help shape those
        tweeted that Mitch McConnell  Office  of  Management  and  ment and Budget (OMB) stuck  budgets and programs to keep
        was “Voldemort” and “Moscow  Budget. The announcement  in limbo.                                              lifting Americans up, to pull
        Mitch,” compared Ted Cruz  potentially  reduces  Tanden’s                   “I saw that they pulled her  families back from the brink. To
        unfavorably to vampires, called  chances to get the position and  from committee today, so it  give everybody the fair chance
        Tom Cotton a “fraud,” said that  is a new setback for the Demo- looks like I’ve got more time  my mother got, and that every-
        Bernie  Sanders  —a  frequent  crats’ agenda.                            to  be  thinking about  things,”  one deserves.”
        Tanden target—was helped by             When questioned if he was  Murkowski said, referring to                  Talking about her journey in
        Russia in the 2016 Democrat- planning to give up his nomina- the decision by the Budget and  the US and her Indian origin,
        ic primaries, and called Sen.  tion, Biden replied: “No.” He  Homeland Security and Gov- she said, “I’m here today thanks
        Collins’s reasons for voting to  said: “I think we’re gonna find  ernmental Affairs committees  to my mother’s grit, but also
        confirm then-Judge Brett Kava- the votes to get her confirmed.”  to delay votes on her nomina- thanks to a country that had
        naugh a “pathetically bad faith  White House spokeswoman  tion.                                               faith in us, that invested in her
        argument as cover for President  Jen Psaki said: “Neera Tanden               Murkowski’s decision on  humanity,  and  in  our  dreams.
        Trump’s vicious attacks on survi- is an accomplished policy ex- Tanden is viewed as crucial in  I’m here today because of social
        vors of sexual assault.”             pert who would be an excellent  the White House’s uphill bid  programs. Because of budget-
            Biden’s pick to lead the pow- Budget Director,” while adding  to salvage her nomination.  Be- ary choices.”

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