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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline February 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 34
abhilasha rathi to lead maheshwari
mahasabha of north america
manu sHaH served in different roles but re- small wins.
New York peatedly emphasizes that a po- Her list of goals for her term
sition or designation has never as president include greater en-
t was the day of Diwali 2020 been important for her - making gagement with seniors, more
when Abhilasha Rathi made a difference is reward in itself. participation by the Rajasthani
Iup her mind to helm the Ma- Underlining the benefits of Abroad Youth Samaj (RAYS)),
heshwari Mahasabha of North working in the community, she celebrating festivals like Teej
America (MMNA) for the next cites the instance of the 2016 In- and Gangaur, strengthening
four years. She was pleasantly ternational Maheshwari Rajas- current initiatives such as in-
surprised when her name was thani Convention. Although the terest free loans to deserving
proposed but mulled over it for New England Chapter signed students, matrimonial alliances,
a few days. While her husband up to be hosts of the convention, providing guidance to entrepre-
Bharat and father-in-law Pra- the logistics were daunting given neurs, the women’s wing (Sakhi)
bhulal Rathi were supportive that the number of volunteers and philanthropic efforts like
and left the decision to her, it were limited. As co-convenor, food drives and walks to support
was her mother-in-law Draupa- she encouraged members to causes. The new president also
di Rathi and daughters Suhani and business requirements. enroll in the planning and exe- plans to roll out a Professional
and Shriya, who, she says, en- A significant portion of cution and after an 18-month Networking Group to connect
couraged her to take up the Abhilasha’s work involves lead- planning period, what crystal- the youth of the community.
challenge. A member of the ing teams and calls for “collab- lized, apart from a successful Abhilasha is looking forward
New England chapter in Boston, oration and management skills”, convention, was an extremely to working with a newly elected
this acceptance makes Abhilas- qualities she needs in spades in close-knit group that is bonded National Executive Committee
ha the second woman president her new position. Rather than to this day. Abhilasha was also at and tapping the board of trust-
in MMNA history after Dr. See- “managing,” she prefers to use the frontlines of the 2020 virtual ees for their experience and
ma Rathi. the term “serving” the team and MMNA Utsav. guidance. The NEC comprises
The Maheshwari communi- enabling their success because As general secretary for the following members: Mukul
ty, whose origins are steeped in when “your team is successful, the past four years, Abhilasha Rathi (Vice-President), Keshav-
fascinating folklore, hail from you’re successful.” One of her worked with President Vikas lal Rathi (Vice-President), Swap-
Rajasthan. The organization favorite quotes by Henry Ford Bhutada in setting up and main- nil Laddha (Vice-President), Dr.
was created in 1983 to preserve sums up her style of working: taining various communication Rahul Nawander (Vice-Presi-
the community’s culture and “Coming together is a beginning, channels so Chapter leaders dent), Praveen Gattani (Gener-
traditions and to connect the staying together is progress and could collaborate with each oth- al Secretary), Swapnil Chandak
Maheshwari community living working together is success.” er easily. She used her tech ex- (Joint Secretary), Lata Mahesh-
in the US and Canada. Today, Aside from her own inclina- pertise to spearhead systematic wari (Treasurer), and Jitendra
it boasts of 4000 plus members tion, Abhilasha traces her com- procedures that helped every- Maheshwari (Joint Treasur-
with ten Chapters spread across munity service mindset, in part, one be on the same page and er) and the Chapter leaders.
North America. One of the to her parents Vijay Kumar and actively worked with the digital Chairperson Dr. Ghanshy-
biggest industrialist families of Urmila Taori. She recalls the team. These experiences have am Das Heda, a recipient of
India, the Birlas, belong to this constant stream of people who helped her develop a personal many awards in podiatric medi-
community. would drop in to discuss com- rapport with members of the cine research, continues to head
Born in Neemuch, Madhya munity matters with her father. different chapters that will serve the BOT with Pushpalata Heda,
Pradesh, Abhilasha was raised In hindsight, she appreciates her well in the coming years. Rajesh Kabra, Sushil Kumar
in Hyderabad, Telangana. After her mother’s unstinting sup- Abhilasha is also involved in Birla, Hiralal Maheshwari, Nar-
completing her graduation in port for her father’s passion for causes like the Walk for Hunger endra Zamwar, Pradeep Kumar
Commerce, she married Bharat, community work. In a fortunate where she walked 20 miles, not Tapadiya, Dev Kishore Mahesh-
a software professional, and coincidence, she found a simi- once but several times, to raise wari, Rajesh Rathi and Prabhu-
moved to Boston in 1991. Deter- lar sense of social commitment funds for the program and the lal Rathi.
mined to carve out a career, she in her husband’s family. These annual Cancer Walk to support With so much on her plate,
enrolled for various courses but firsthand lessons would be in- friends who are cancer survivors. Abhilasha keeps herself fit with
eventually gravitated towards valuable in forging her own path During COVID-19, she along walking, yoga, and Zumba. Her
Client Server Programming. She for community work. with MMNA members, sup- soul is nourished by the Bhag-
is currently the Software Quality As a teenager, she was active- ported the cause of food dona- wad Gita and she likes to unwind
Engineering Manager at CVS ly engaged with the Maheshwari tions to shelters. She has three by donning the chef’s hat and
Health where she oversees QA Samaj, Rajasthani Graduates key takeaways from all these bringing “creativity to her cook-
processes to ensure that the soft- Association and other organiza- years of volunteering: Be adapt- ing.” Hawaii remains an all-time
ware meets technical, functional, tions. After joining MMNA, she able, persistent and celebrate favorite holiday destination.
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