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WELLNESS                                                              February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          39



            The program implemented  Stroke, Sudden Cardiac Arrests,  holistic approach need to be en- rological  and  other  functional
        interventions with successful  High Blood Pressure, and Dia- couraged.                                        outcomes after sudden cardiac
        outcomes across the three set- betes B. Targeted CPR-training                In summary, it’s critical to  arrests. The latter involves pro-
        tings of cardiac care: (1) com- Programs for Communities and  initiate “Community Heart  viding immediate resuscitation
        munities, (2) pre-hospital EMS,  High School Students 2. Early  Health” programs with preven- help with high-quality bystander
        and (3) a network of hospitals  diagnosis: Community Health  tive strategies, retard the pro- CPR,  early  defibrillation,  and
        within a 10- kilometer catch- Screenings and Personal Coun- gression of heart disease with  faster transportation to tertiary
        ment area in Bengaluru. The  selings and 3. Timely interven- early diagnosis and individual- cardiac care hospitals.
        project is a unique, comprehen- tions Mental health-promoting  ized treatment plans, and imple-                   Needless  to  say,  a  concert-
        sive Indian Cardiac Care Mod- strategies with an individualized  ment measures to enhance neu- ed effort is needed to achieve
        el, tailored to the local commu-                                                                              the goals by all involved stake-
        nity’s needs, efficiently utilizing                                                                           holders, Governmental and
        available resources and work-                                                                                 non-Governmental, with indi-
        force. COVID-19 Pandemic                                                                                      vidual participation!
        has slowed down the progress
        of global health initiatives.                                                                                        Acknowledgement:
        With the administration of the
        COVID-19 Vaccine combined                                                                                     Terry Vanden Hoek, MD, Bellur
        with robust international public                                                                              S. Prabhakar, MSc, Ph.D. (Uni-
        health measures, it’s possible to                                                                             versity of Illinois College of Med-
        regain the lost momentum of                                                                                   icine, Chicago, Illinois, USA),
        these “life-saving” programs.                                                                                 Srinivas Ramaka, MD (Srinivasa
            The  following  recommen-                                                                                 Heart Center, Warangal, Telan-
        dations will enhance the “Heart                                                                               gana, India) and Aruna C. Ra-
        Health” of a community: 1. Pre-                                                                               mesh, MD (Ramaiah Medical
        vention: A. Increasing aware-                                                                                 College  &  Hospital,  Bengaluru,
        ness through Community Ed-                                                                                    Karnataka, India) were actively
        ucation about Heart Disease,                                                                                  in studies referred in the article.

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