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WELLNESS February 19, 2021 | The Indian Eye 38
heart disease and sudden cardiac arrests:
Focus on indians and indian immigrants for “saving Lives”
strategies & collaborations for Better Outcomes
A large number of South Asians appear to have “insulin resistance”,
a condition in which the body does not utilize insulin efficiently, resulting in Diabetes, which leads to a significant number
of heart-related problems. Lack of adequate exercise, stress, and genetic predisposition are also contributing factors
diac Arrest Registry) was initi-
ated during January-December
2018 to understand OHCA in a
regional setting in the State of
Telangana.(The Author is the
CoInvestigator of the WACAR
Study, which was published
(2020) in the Indian Heart Jour-
nal). The study, which was based
on an internationally accepted
Utstein template, included 814
Dr. Vemuri S. Murthy, MD subjects of OHCA.
An Adjunct Faculty in the Depart- With the available collected
ment of Emergency Medicine at data, results of the study showed
the University of Illinois College that Heart disease with pre-ex-
of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, a condition in which the body “death” of parts of heart muscle isting conditions such as high
USA and Visiting Professor in does not utilize insulin efficient- during a “Heart Attack”. blood pressure, diabetes, and
India, is an Advocate of Resus- ly, resulting in Diabetes, which Immediate Bystander CPR tobacco addiction led to sudden
citation education, training and leads to a significant number of (Cardiopulmonary Resuscita- cardiac arrests in a majority of
research in USA and India heart-related problems. Lack of tion) can double or triple the cases. The study addressed the
adequate exercise, stress, and chances of their survival. There need for a reliable Cardiac Ar-
ebruary is the “Amer- genetic predisposition are also is insufficient data on the preva- rest Registry with accurate and
ican Heart Month” to contributing factors. lence of Sudden Cardiac Arrest detailed data of all OHCAs.
Fraise awareness of heart Body Mass Index (BMI), among South Asians living in The data is essential to de-
disease and promote “Healthy a measure that determines if a the United States or Indians in velop a comprehensive commu-
Heart” lifestyles. Heart disease person’s weight is healthy, often India. nity cardiac care plan involving
is the number one Global Public falls into “skinny fat” category It is evidence-based infor- EMS(Emergency Medical Ser-
Health problem. South Asians in South Asians, who may have mation that women, in general, vices), Bystander CPR, Public
are at a four-times greater risk of an acceptable BMI, but carry have a different pattern of heart Access Defibrillators (devic-
heart disease than their western more of their weight in their symptoms and seek emergen- es to reverse dangerous heart
counterparts and have a greater abdomen. The fat surrounding cy medical help less often than rhythms), and faster access to
chance of having a heart attack their internal organs (visceral men, and may receive less treat- emergency interventions in ter-
before 50 years of age. Heart fat) increases the risk of hav- ment for the same condition in tiary cardiac care hospitals. A
attacks strike South Asian Men ing a serious heart attack. More both primary care and second- recently completed project in
and Women at younger ages, than one-third of South Asian ary prevention. In an observa- India to improve outcomes after
and as a result, both morbidity men and about 17% of South tional study of Out-of-Hospital heart attacks is the “HeartRes-
and mortality are higher among Asian women have “Metabol- Cardiac arrests (OHCA) re- cue India” project (2015-2020)
them compared to any other ic Syndrome”, with high blood ported in Indian Print Media, in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
ethnic group. They tend to de- pressure, high blood sugar lev- published recently (2020) in the The University of Illinois
velop heart disease ten years els, excess fat around the waist, Journal of Indian College of College of Medicine and UI
earlier than other groups. and abnormal cholesterol lev- Cardiology, the important role Health in partnership with Ra-
Almost one in three in this els that increase Heart Disease of mass media was recognized maiah Medical College and
group may die from heart dis- risk, Stroke, and Diabetes. in raising public awareness of Hospital in Bengaluru initiated
ease before 65 years of age. In The triglyceride levels tend cardiac arrests and encouraging this groundbreaking program in
India, heart disease remains to be higher with lower levels of bystander CPR help to improve India. The project was funded
the number one cause of death. HDL-good cholesterol. South outcomes. (The Author is a by the Medtronic Foundation.
Common risk factors are smok- Asians also tend to have smaller Co-Author of this study). The purpose of this project was
ing and a diet high in sugar, salt, luminal diameters of the coro- To collect available informa- to reduce deaths due to sudden
refined grains, and fat. A large nary (Heart) arteries and high- tion on OHCA in India, a pilot cardiac arrests and improve ac-
number of South Asians appear er-grade obstructions of multi- project called WACAR (Waran- cess and quality of care for heart
to have “insulin resistance”, ple vessels that can lead to the gal Area Out-of-Hospital Car- attack patients in Bengaluru.
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