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Business EYE                                                          February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          37

                                                                    Tech T@lk

                                sandes:                                              creative monkey Games

             an indian app that can                                                ties with matthew hayden

                        rival whatsapp                                                           for haydos380

                 n Indian alternative  can use features like voice and                   reative Monkey Games,  dos380. Our vision is to reach
                 of the cross-platform  data. Also, its backend is han-                  one of the fastest-grow- billions of people around the
        Amessaging                 service dled by the NIC, the National         Cing gaming companies  world through high-quality and
        Whatsapp  named  ‘Sandes’  is  Informatics Centre under the              in India has partnered with  addictive games and earn their
        currently being tested by gov- Ministry of Electronics and In-           former Australia batsman Mat- smiles. We want to develop and
        ernment officials in India. The  formation Technology.                   thew Hayden, to launch a mo- offer top-notch gaming experi-
        app is ready and is being tested        As per Mashable, this comes      bile cricket gaming application  ences with the upgraded mar-
        by ministry officials.               at a time when WhatsApp is fac-     called Haydos380 in India. The  ket trends to people across the
            According to Mashable, the  ing scrutiny from government             game Haydos380 will be avail- globe. Haydos380 will definitely
        use of ‘Sandes’ app is currently  and privacy activists over its new     able worldwide and is launching  entertain Cricket lovers and be
        restricted to government officials  controversial privacy policy.        in April. Users can pre-regis- a trendsetter.”
        only. No information has been           Given the concerns over its      ter at to              Matthew Hayden explains:
        provided as to when the official  new policy, the Confederation          ensure they will be one of the  “Last year I had the pleasure
        and broader rollout of the app  of All India Traders (CAIT)              first  to  play  the  game  at  the  of providing audio commentary
        will take place in India. If peo- strongly objected to the new           soft launch in just a few weeks  for a mobile game. It was a lot
        ple go to the page,  WhatsApp privacy update and             before the main launch later in  of fun, and as luck would have
        they will notice it says ‘Sandes’.  demanded that the government         the year. On the development,  it, the opportunity came up to
        ‘Sandes’ is available for both  should immediately restrict              Deepak Aravind, CEO, Cre- co-develop my own game and
        iOS and Android platforms.  WhatsApp  from  implementing                 ative Monkey Games, said: “We  I went for it. Haydos380 was
            Talking about the features  the new policy or put a ban on           are thrilled to partner with the  born and here I am, back on the
        that this app can support, users  WhatsApp and Facebook.                 iconic Mathew Hayden for Hay- pitch.”

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