Page 36 - The Indian EYE 021921
P. 36

Business EYE                                                         February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          36

               india-china trade back

                                        on track soon?

               Mainland China has emerged as India’s biggest trade partner in the first half of

            financial year 2020-21, pipping the US, which had held that position since 2018-19

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    some new investment proposals

        New Delhi                                                                                                     from China in the coming weeks
                                                                                                                      as frosty relations between
               he year 2020 was one of                                                                                the  two  neighboring  countries
               the most complicated for                                                                               thawed amid an easing in bor-
        TIndia-China            relations.                                                                            der tensions, said three govern-
        Not  only  the  two  Asian  coun-                                                                             ment  officials  with  knowledge
        tries had a border tussle in the                                                                              of the matter.
        middle  of  the pandemic,  the                                                                                    The foreign investment rule
        trade ties too took a hit.                                                                                    change by the government said
            The trend on the trade front                                                                              investments from an entity in a
        may continue, especially on the                                                                               country that shares a land bor-
        supply chain front.                                                                                           der with  India would require
            In an important develop-                                                                                  government approval, markedly
        ment this week, Amazon India                                                                                  slowing investments flows from
        said it will start local manufac-                                                                             China. The  rule  change  had
        turing of its devices here, reduc-                                                                            put in limbo over 150 proposals
        ing its dependence on China.                   India banned many Chinese apps like TikTok during              from China worth more than $2
        This would give a leg up to the                            the border crisis with China                       billion, hurting the plans of Chi-
        government’s       Make-in-India                                                                              nese companies in India.
        push. The e-commerce major  al meeting with Agarwal and                  of 1 million jobs by 2025.               Among the proposals de-
        will work with Foxconn’s subsid- other Amazon India leaders,                 But interestingly, mainland  layed was China’s Great Wall
        iary Cloud Network Technology  also tweeted, saying, “Under              China has emerged as India’s  Motors’ acquisition of a Gener-
        in Chennai to make its Fire TV  the leadership of PM @nar-               biggest trade partner in the first  al Motors’ plant in India. “We’ll
        Stick (which helps streaming on  endramodi, electronics manu-            half  of  financial  year  2020-21,  start giving approvals to some
        smart TVs).                          facturing in India has recently     pipping the US, which had held  greenfield  investment  propos-
            The Chennai facility is ex- attracted some of the biggest            that position since 2018-19. In  als, but we will only clear those
        pected to be operational later  investments from global giants.          a year that has been ravaged by  sectors which are not sensitive
        this year. Amazon was largely  Happy to share @amazonIN is               the pandemic, India’s overall  to national security,” one of the
        sourcing its Fire TV Stick from  the latest to join this success sto-    trade with the world outside has  officials said.
        China and Taiwan for the India  ry of India.”                            suffered a 32.46 per cent drop           The  government  will  also
        market. Amazon India, in a blog         In a series of tweets, Prasad    in value terms at $275 billion.  look to clear some other brown-
        post, said the company is looking  also urged Amazon to help take        Mainland China has gained  field projects - new investments
        to make lakhs of devices in In- products made by local artisans          over the US by suffering less.  in existing projects - that are not
        dia every year and will consider  and ayurvedic products global          Indo-China bilateral trade reg- a risk to national security after
        scaling up manufacturing capac- through its e-commerce plat-             istered a 15 per cent decline at  the  first  round  of  clearance  to
        ity based on domestic demand. form. Last month, Amazon In-               nearly $38 billion while trade  new investments, the above of-
            The Indian government  dia announced setting up an ac-               with the  US dropped 27.5  per  ficials said.
        recently introduced produc- celerator programme that aims                cent at $33.54 billion. Even on          The government is also con-
        tion-linked incentives (PLIs)  to build  and  boost  exports of          the large base, India’s trade with  sidering allowing some invest-
        for various electronic products.  locally made consumer brands           China has suffered the least as  ment from Chinese firms in cer-
        “This further reiterates our  globally.                                  compared to any other region in  tain sectors via the “automatic”
        commitment to ‘Make in India’,          This is part of its additional   the world.                           route, or without government
        contributing directly to the local  $1-billion investment for India          While India’s overall imports  scrutiny, said the officials.
        economy, creating jobs & boost- to digitize 10 million small and         have dropped nearly 40 per cent          The  officials  said  invest-
        ing Indian innovation,” Ama- medium businesses, and enable               this fiscal at $149.53 billion, im- ments for stakes of up to 20%,
        zon India head Amit Agarwal  $10 billion in cumulative ex-               ports from China have dropped  in “non-sensitive” sectors, may
        tweeted on Tuesday.                  ports from India. Amazon CEO        by only 24.53 per cent at $27.37  revert to the automatic route for
            IT minister Ravi Shankar  Jeff Bezos had announced the               billion.                             nations with which India shares
        Prasad, who attended a virtu- company wants to create a total                Now, India is poised to clear  land borders.

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