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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 18, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
ASEI Holds Virtual 34th Himanshu Patel becomes US
National Convention Congressmen Pete Sessions’
crypto advisor
Clockwise from top left: Piyush Malik, Archana Panda, Mayor Lily Mei, Surbhi Kaul
wide,” Sessions added.
Washington, DC
“My appointment on US Con-
imanshu Patel hopes to bring gressmen Pete Sessions’ team and
US and India interest togeth- Crypto Technical Working Group
Her to accelerate collaborative will lead the way for collaborative dis-
discussions around digital currency cussions around digital currency and
and cryptocurrency for a fair market cryptocurrency for a fair market and
and movement to green world pol- movement to green world policies to
icies. Patel, founder and managing promote electric vehicles,” stated Hi-
director of Triton Electric Vehicles, manshu Patel..
plans to do so in his new role as the “I will be focusing on how to
Chief Economic Development & bring US and India interest together
Energy Infrastructure Advisor to US to accelerate these innovations while
Congressmen Pete Session for his doing so in a way that addresses the
Crypto Technical Working Group. challenges our energy infrastructure
“I am excited to be working close- faces as these innovations come on-
ly with Himanshu Patel. His counsel line and continue to increase,” Patel
is important to my team and me as added.
L to R Top Row: Piyush Malik with MR Rangaswami; Middle Row: Kunal Sood with Bhawna we look to better educate other pol- Triton EV is working aggressive-
Singh and Bottom Row: Rajashree Rao with Dr Priti Parikh icy makers and engage the global ly towards building global capabilities
business community,” the politician of producing EV trucks and cars from
in large organizations? And how The objective of this convention from Texas stated Monday in a press India, the release said. Patel spear-
does one go from being an individu- has been to provide a forum to pro- release. heads multiple initiatives around
al contributor to a technology leader mote and share advancements relat- “I am confident that enhanced EVs in India and the United States.
and ultimately a C-Suite executive? “ ed to latest cutting-edge innovations collaboration between knowledgeable A vital component of all indus-
Next, four CIOs led by Raman and technologies across various engi- experts and world-class leaders will tries is a collaboration between the
Mehta from Johnson Electric, Dr. neering disciplines. The convention advance efforts on a mutually bene- US and India to improve mutual
Soma Venkat from Cooper Stan- achieved the highest registration of ficial global scale,” added Sessions, outcomes, enhance the supply chain
dard, JP Saini from Sunbelt Rentals any event in ASEI history and was who has served for 11 terms in the US and economic development between
and Karuna Annavajjala from Sil- attended by over 500 professionals House. the countries in this new frontier, the
icon Labs shared their view of post each day including scientists, engi- “I believe that it is vital for the release said.
pandemic enterprise IT and the role neers, entrepreneurs, and corporate United States and India to take the Patel has extensive experience
CIOs play in the innovation agen- leaders across the USA. This two-day lead globally on setting standards on in the electronics industry. Prior to
da. This was followed by Award event featured keynotes and multiple innovative frontiers in areas of finan- founding Triton EV, he founded Tri-
announcements and an informal interactive sessions with prominent cial digital technologies and Energy ton Solar and Triton Infosys. A car
networking session where all partic- business and technology leaders, Infrastructure developments,” he said. enthusiast in his own right, it was
ipants were able to come on camera scientists, media personalities, edu- “I am proud to say that Himan- his passion and vision that led to the
and interact with the speakers and cators, policy makers, and venture shu Patel is part of our energy group founding of the Triton-EV, the re-
organizers. capitalists to help us create the directive world- lease said.