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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 30

                                                  by InvItatIon

               Headed for the moon in the age

                                           of space tourism

               SADHNA SHANKER

              he moon has always held a
              special place in human civiliza-
        Ttion. There are rituals, prayers
        and beliefs associated with the cycles
        of the moon across cultures. Cele-
        brating the full moon is a ceremony
        in many parts of the world. In 2022,
        the moon is going to be in focus for
        very different reasons.
            The  flavor  of  2021  was  space
        tourism, this year the hot favorite is
        going to be the moon. Nearly half
        a century after 1969 when men first
        walked on the moon, it is again the  System rocket and an associated crew  craft built by a Japanese firm.  The planned expeditions to the
        focus of attention across the globe.  capsule ‘Orion’. NASA is planning to   The renewed race to the moon is  moon are exciting and open up im-
        In 2022, many countries are headed  build a lunar orbiting space station  also seeing many emerging partner-  mense possibilities. But they also
        to the moon, and lunar exploration is  called ‘Gateway’, by 2024. It will host  ships and alliances. The European  bring to the fore issues of ownership
        going to change our future interface  a shuttle which astronauts will use to  Space Agency is involved and invest-  of resources of outer space. The Out-
        with space.                       touch down on the moon. The aim is  ed in the Artemis project. In June  er Space Treaty ratified by 111 coun-
            South  Korea  will  be  launching  to carry astronauts to the moon and  2021, China and Russia launched a  tries, including India, was signed in
        its first lunar spacecraft in summer.  beyond, and reopen space to investi-  joint project to build a Moonbase  1967 and bans claims of sovereignty
        UAE  will  be  launching  ‘Rashid’  in  gation by humans rather than robot-  and space station in the lunar orbit.  over heavenly bodies. Since then,
        autumn. Russia, China and India  ic rovers. The first step would be to   What is pushing the world to-  geopolitics  has  transformed,  and
        too are geared up for the moon this  build an outpost on the moon, where  wards the moon? The moon is likely  more and more non state actors have
        year. ISRO will launch the ambi-  astronauts can live for months at a  to be the base from which research  moved into the arena of space explo-
        tious Chandrayaan-3 mission in the  time, and conduct research.     and ability to inhabit Mars will  ration. The need for rethinking and
        third quarter of 2022 after work was   Not just governments, but many  evolve. A prime target for the first lu-  reimagining ownership of space re-
        delayed due to Covid-19. Two years  private players too are in the arena  nar outpost is near the moon’s South  sources has become necessary, and
        ago, Chandrayan 2 crash-landed on  for launching lunar missions. NASA’s  Pole – the Shackleton crater. It is be-  imminent.
        the far side of the Moon. While the  Artemis project has already woven  lieved to hold reservoirs of ice. Water   The next time you see the moon
        lander and the rover crashed, the or-  SpaceX’s Starship into the plan for a  apart from providing sustenance for  shining brightly in the night sky,
        biter is still hovering above the lunar  human landing on the moon around  astronauts, can also be exploited as  imagine that soon it will be inhabited
        surface and ISRO plans to use it with  2025. Starship is crucial to Elon  a source of hydrogen and oxygen –  by humans living and working there.
        Chandrayaan-3.                    Musk’s plans to inhabit Mars. Spa-  through electrolysis – that could be  Humanity’s journey of moving to-
            The most ambitious program for  ceIL, an Israeli organization is also  combined as rocket fuel. Further,  wards other planets would then have
        the moon is NASA’s Artemis project.  working towards landing a probe on  ‘Regolith’ the moon’s surface itself,  actually begun.
        Set to launch in a few months, it will  the far side of the moon. The UAE’s  when mixed with appropriate liquids,   Sadhna Shanker is a writer based
        involve the powerful Space Launch  rover will be launched by a landing  could turn into ‘ink’ for 3D printing!  in New Delhi

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