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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 18, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
mukesh Kashiwala’s exhibition to show
Gandhi’s influence on mlK Jr
New York, NY
n behalf of Barron Art Center
& Woodbridge Art commis-
Osion has invited all to an exhi-
bition curated by Mukesh Kashiwala,
an Indian American and multi-talent-
ed community leader. Kashiwala’s ex-
hibit has been presented in New York
metropolitan Martin Luther king jr.
Center for non -violence (NYMLK).
And Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan NY
had arranged an exhibition at the In-
dian Consulate in New York in 2016
on the Non- Violence Day.
Now, his exhibition has been
presented at Barron Art Center. It is
supported by Royal Albert’s Palace
and the Indian American Commu-
nity of North America (IACONA).
Called “Advocates of Social Change:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ma-
hatma Gandhi”, the exhibition is on
view from February 18 to April 1 at
the Barron Art Center.
This riveting exhibit of histor- spired by the Gandhi method of “sa- Comparative images of Mohan- from both human rights icons.
ic photographs shows the influence tyagraha” or truth-force, Dr. King das Gandhi and Dr. King’s influen- It’s a great opportunity for chil-
Mohandas Gandhi had on civil rights utilized non-violence as a powerful tial 1959 trip to India will be shown as dren and young adults to learn about
icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In- “weapon” towards social equality. well as important writings and quotes the great history & inspiring leaders!
GOPIO Condemns vandalization of Mahatma Gandhi’s
statue and write to Mayor Eric Adams
Mahatma Gandhi statue, erected at the
New York, NY
Union Square Park in the mid-1980s, was one
he Global Organization of People of the first such statues in the USA by the Indian
of Indian Origin (GOPIO) has American community. The USA has the high-
Tcondemned vandalization of est number of Gandhi statues outside India.
Mahatma Gandhi statue located at the “We Indian Americans are deeply hurt
Union Square Park in Manhattan Borough by the disrespect shown to Gandhiji, especial-
of New York City. ly when we are observing the Black History
Month, celebrating the contribution of Afri-
“mahatma Gandhi is the Father of can American leaders including the late Rev.
Martin Luther King who was inspired by Ma-
the nation in India and an apostle of hatma Gandhi’s non-violent struggle against
peace and vandalizing the statue is a the British Empire to achieve freedom for In-
dia,” said Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of
not acceptable and the culprit must the GOPIO International.
GOPIO has written a letter to the Mayor
be apprehended and punished,” Eric Adams, an African American who took
said GoPIo manhattan President Oath of Office on January 1st this year, to take
shivender sofat. immediate action against on those people re-
sponsible on this despicable act.