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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 18, 2022 | The Indian Eye 24
ASEI Holds Virtual 34th National Convention
Focusing on Sustainable Technology Innovations
Opening keynote by City of Fremont Mayor Lily Mei highlighted how much infusion of
advanced technology have made Fremont grow with safety and sustainability
Clockwise from top left: Piyush Malik, Dr. Shreekant Agrawal, Dr. Michael D Griffin L to R Top Row: YTE Chair Dr. Preetha Ram, Geetha Arun, Mikul Sarvanan;
and Dr Ajay Kothari Middle Row: Isha Jagadish, Siddharth Jain, Aasimm Khan;
Bottom Row: Nidhi Mathihalli, vikram and Convention Chair Piyush Malik
OUR BUREAU Administrator Dr. Michael D. Grif-
fin gave a heartfelt keynote address The afternoon of Jan 15th was for survival in the next decade. From
Fremont, CA
sharing his personal stories including reserved for the finals of Youth Tech- adaptive sustainable supply chains to
he American Society of Engi- those involving Indian food! nology Exposition. The YTE is a becoming carbon neutral to adopt-
neers of Indian Origin (ASEI) At the first panel focusing on flagship STEM programme at ASEI ing mandates emerging from United
Thosted its 34th National Con- High-Speed air travel moderated by where students participate with their Nations Sustainable Development
vention focusing on Sustainable Dr Bala Bharadwaj, the participants science fair, engineering or innova- Goals, leaders across industries and
Technology Innovations (STI-2022) learned how as a result of six decades tion projects. The preliminary rounds organizations are forced to be pre-
on Jan 15 &16th. The convention of research on supersonic commer- conducted early in a calendar year by pared for the unexpected and he
consisted of 3 mini-conferences with cial aircraft design have paved the each ASEI chapter select a handful hoped that this Convention would
over 35 speakers spread across two way for a new era in high-speed trav- of winners from Grade 9 thru 12. As encourage dialogue as well as solu-
days. The Aerospace Symposium and el that is not too far from becoming a the year progresses and the National tions in this matter.
Youth Technology Exposition were reality. Dr Vik Kachoria, Dr. Kevin Convention nears, the competition Opening keynote by City of Fre-
held on the first day while the last day Bowcutt and NASA’s Mary Di Jo- heats up as well. The YTE finalists mont Mayor Lily Mei highlighted
consisted of a power-packed CXO seph each presented their point of are selected from the preliminary how much infusion of advanced tech-
Summit with a number of C-Suite views before engaging in a panel dis- rounds and asked to showcase their nology, AI, IOT etc. have made Fre-
executives sharing their wisdom with cussion projects as well as face live Q&A mont grow with safety, sustainability
over 500 participants from many During the Space Access & Tour- form the YTE judges. This time, we and Innovation into a Smart City.
countries spread across 3 continents. ism session, the panelists Dr. Kelley had multiple entries from only our Veteran philanthropist and
Kicking off the 34th Nation- Weinershith, Mr. Richard French traditionally strong chapters of Sil- venture capitalist MR Rangaswa-
al Convention, the ASEI President and Dr. David Livingston were en- icon Valley and Michigan, but also mi captivated the audience with his
and Convention Chair Piyush Malik gaged in a lively discussion by Dr. from Florida and India. Dr. Preetha whirlwind tour of 40 years’ journey of
along with Dr. Shreekant Agraw- Kavya Manyapu. They spoke how Ram aided by Mythli Srinivasan and Indian engineers from the trenches
al welcomed the delegates on Jan cheaper and more frequent space ac- Geetha Arun judged the finals. to the corner office in the US. Citing
15th morning at the Aerospace cess as offered by startups like Rock- ASEI president Piyush Malik numerous success stories from his
Symposium. Buoyed by the current et Lab and Astra have shown a path welcomed the CXO summit dele- chapter in the book “Kamala Harris
euphoria of billionaires venturing to help humanity benefit from Space gates with a recap of the Aerospace and the rise of Indian Americans’’,
in spacecrafts and plenty of invest- by their launches of smaller satellites Summit as well as a “State of the he engaged with audience questions
ments pouring into the sector, the to near Earth orbits, thus helping im- union” address about the ASEI’s as well.
ASEI Aerospace Symposium had prove life on Earth. All these devel- growth and expansion of free pro- CXO Symposium Co-chair Sur-
a Star Trek like feeling - exploring opments of late are what dreams can grams and outreach for members bhi Kaul engaged Juniper networks
trends and technologies around four be made of now. With the advent and and students during the Covid lock- CTO Dr Raj Yavatkar in an inter-
key areas viz. Space Tourism, Living successful deployment of reusable downs in 2020/2021. He also talked esting chat answering questions like
on the Moon, Future of High-Speed rockets, these dreams will be in the about how Innovation and sustain- “How leadership fosters Innovation
Travel and Air Taxis. Former NASA grasp of many in the coming decade. able technologies are the imperatives Continued at next page... >>