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OpINION                                                            FEBRUARY 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 10

              understanding China’s growing

           Military outreach in Central asia

        DEEPAK KUMAR                         CHInese FootPrInts In          cises with bilateral exercises.              Courtesy: IDSA
                                                                                Multilateral exercises allow Chi-
              entral Asia has been tradi-         Central asIa              na to project its inventory for future   PLA and locating PAP in Tajikistan
              tionally considered an area     If we recall Xi Jinping’s speech   sales and inter-operability capabili-
        Cof Russian security influence.   of 2015, he spoke about military di-  ties, whereas bilateral exercises allow   appears to be a thought-out Chinese
                                                                                                              strategy to keep itself within Russia’s
        Over time and more so after the US   plomacy as a critical element of Chi-  it to project itself as a contender and   red lines of not involving the army.
        began to cede space in the region   na’s foreign policy. In Central Asia,   responder like Russia. Sponsoring   However, it will not take much time
        with folding of its bases in Uzbeki-  China will protect itself from threats   military courses for Central Asia pay   for China to turn over or reinforce
        stan in 2005, and Kyrgyzstan in 2014,   to its national interests but in the   back to China through an alumni ros-  these posts with PLA, should such a
        China’s security interests in Central   short term, will avoid getting directly   ter with a similar understanding of   need arise. The presence of Chinese
        Asia have grown.                  involved. It will involve the local gov-  security issues, not to mention cama-  troops near Wakhan which is about
            Arguably,  China  has  filled  up   ernments,  possibly  influence  them   raderie and old friendships. Central
        the vacuum at the expense of Rus-  in countries like Tajikistan and Kyr-  Asia now has middle and senior-level   200  km  from  Gilgit  Baltistan  has
                                                                                                              ramifications for India. Any Chinese
        sia, which would have been the log-  gyzstan. By supplying sophisticated   officials who have been educated in   EW (Electronic Warfare) monitor-
        ical choice. Incidentally, on 1 August   technologies, China is establishing   Chinese universities. In the coming   ing facility located here can be used
        2017, China inaugurated a military   a  strategic  foothold  in  areas  where   years, Chinese military education   to  track  Russia’s  military  activities
        base  in  Djibouti.  This  was  a  sharp   Russia is lagging technologically. In   will have a significant impact on the   in the region and even India’s. Chi-
        departure from China’s policy that it   exercises and  training, China has   composition of military leadership   nese proposed airports close to Ta-
        does not station troops or set up mil-  been balancing its multilateral exer-  in Central Asia. Staying away from   jikistan’s borders could be a part of
        itary bases in foreign countries.                                                                     the larger Chinese strategic design.
            Likewise, in 2017 several re-
        ports emerged of Chinese military                                                                     PSCs  can  assume  roles  as  consul-
                                                                                                              tants, advisors and security providers
        personnel in Tajikistan. Now, we                                                                      but their main role could be surveil-
        hear reports of Chinese military                                                                      lance of the local governments and
        presence in Equatorial Guinea forc-                                                                   influencing  governance  and  poli-
        ing many to call it, China’s Military                                                                 cies. Kazakhstan  prohibits  Chinese
        Engagement along the Silk Route.                                                                      PSCs, but Kyrgyzstan is open to its
        If we transpose the Chinese design                                                                    operations. China might pressure
        in Central Asia, what will be the                                                                     the weaker countries to legally allow
        long-term consequences of Chinese                                                                     PSCs in their sovereign territories.
        military footprints in Central Asia?
            Can China’s presence to secure
        its vast Belt and Road Initiative net-                                                                 russIa–CHIna dIssonanCe?
        work in Central Asia affect the secu-                                                                     There are commonalities of in-
        rity balance in the region?                                                                           terest between the two countries on
            Further,  can  Beijing’s  military                                                                Afghanistan, the US role in the region
        competitiveness in Central Asia                                                                       and support to incumbent regimes in
        lead to a Russia–China divergence?                                                                    Central Asia. Both are members of
        And, what are the imperatives for              China has built a massive rail network across Central Asia  SCO and regularly participate in joint
        India?                                                                                                       Continued at next page... >>

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