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NATION                                                             FEBRUARY 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     6

           Best speech or glaring errors? Govt goes on

        offensive as Rahul Gandhi attacks Modi rule

           The United States has said that it “would not endorse” Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on the foreign policies of the

                 BJP-led government, which the Congress leader alleged had brought “China and Pakistan together”

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            tutions of our country are being at-
                                                                                                              tacked and captured by one idea. The
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              judiciary, the Election Commission,
              ongress leader Rahul Gandhi                                                                     Pegasus, these are all instruments of
              on Wednesday attacked the                                                                       destroying the voice of the union of
        CBJP-led government in Lok                                                                            states,” he added.
        Sabha stating that “institutions of our                                                                   Following Rahul Gandhi’s at-
        country are being attacked and cap-                                                                   tack on judiciary and Election Com-
        tured by one idea” and “the judiciary,                                                                mission, Union Law Minister Kiren
        the Election Commission, Pegasus,                                                                     Rijiju on Wednesday demanded an
        are all instruments of destroying the                                                                 apology from the Congress leader
        voice of the union of states”. The                                                                    saying “he has no regard for consti-
        speech was widely                                                                                     tutional authorities”.
            Slamming the central gov-                                                                             Taking to Twitter, the Union
        ernment over the faulty policies,                                                                     Minister said, “Not only as India’s
        Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on    Congress MP Rahul Gandhi speaks in Lok Sabha during the Budget Session of Parliament, in   Law Minister but also as an ordi-
        Wednesday said India is facing the                                                                    nary citizen, I condemn what Rahul
        highest level of unemployment in 50               New Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI Photo/Sansad TV)       Gandhi has said about India’s ju-
        years under the current Bharatiya Ja-                                                                 diciary and Election Commission.
        nata Party (BJP)-led government at                                                                    These are vital institutions of our
        the Centre.                                                                                           democracy. Rahul Gandhi should
            Rahul Gandhi said, “Govern-                                                                       immediately apologize to the people,
        ment speaks of providing employ-                                                                      judiciary and EC.” “We know that
        ment. 3 crore youth lost their jobs                                                                   Rahul Gandhi does not believe in
        in 2021. Today India is facing the                                                                    democracy and he has no regard for
        highest unemployment in 50 years.                                                                     constitutional authorities. We do not
        You talk of Made-in-India, Start-Up                                                                   take his habitual senseless comments
        India, but the youth did not get the                                                                  seriously but since he has abused
        employment they were supposed to.                                                                     constitutional authorities from the
        The one they had has disappeared.                                                                     Parliament house, he must tender
        The government pushed 23 crore                                                                        unconditional apology,” added Riji-
        people back into poverty.” The Con-                                                                   ju.
        gress MP said the United Progres-                                                                         In Washington, the United
        sive Alliance (UPA) government had                                                                    States has said that it “would not
        pulled 27 crore people out of poverty                                                                 endorse” Rahul Gandhi’s remarks
        in 10 years.                                                                                          on the foreign policies of the BJP-
            Gandhi further slammed the                                                                        led government, which the Congress
        government for having made  huge   Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Rajya Sabha during the Budget Session of Parliament in New   leader alleged had brought “China
        strategic mistake in foreign policy                                                                   and Pakistan together.”
        which brought China and Pakistan                   Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI Photo/Sansad TV)              Responding to a question on
        together. “The single biggest strate-                                                                 Rahul Gandhi suggesting that China
        gic goal of India’s foreign policy has   most important, is the idea that there   cerning the judiciary and Election   and Pakistan are closer due to the
        been to keep Pakistan and China   are now two Indias. There is now no   Commission. Participating in the de-  policies of Prime Minister Naren-
        separate. But what you have brought   longer one India,” said Rahul Gandhi.  bate on the motion of thanks on the   dra Modi-led central government,
        the two countries (Pakistan and       “One India is for the extremely   President’s Address, Gandhi accused   US State Department Spokesperson
        China) together. This is the single   rich people - for those who have im-  the  Centre  of  having  a  “flawed  vi-  Ned  Price  in  a  press  briefing  said,
        biggest crime you have committed   mense wealth, immense power, for   sion” and centralizing power. He said   “I will leave it to the Pakistanis and
        against the people of India,” says Ra-  those who do not need a job, those   “the idea of king has come back”.  the PRC to speak to their relation-
        hul Gandhi in Lok Sabha.          who do not need water connection,     “This  centralized vision of  king   ship. I certainly would not - would
            He further said that the Presi-  electricity connections, but for those   has been removed by Congress in   not endorse those remarks.” Asked
        dential Address did not mention the   who control the heartbeat of the   1947. Now the idea of king has come   about Pakistan working closely with
        idea of “two Indias”.             country. And then another India for   back. Now there is a king, a Shahen-  China, the spokesperson said that
            “I think there were three funda-  the poor. The gap between these two   shah, a ruler of rulers and master of   countries are not required to choose
        mental things that were not spoken   Indias is widening,” he added.   masters. As a result, the instrument   between the US and China, adding
        about  in  the Presidential  Address.   Later, BJP leaders targeted Ra-  of conversation between states and   that American partnership conveys a
        First, and what I consider to be the   hul Gandhi over his remarks con-  our people which we call the insti-  series of advantages.

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