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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline February 05, 2021 | The Indian Eye 22
Compliments, best wishes and support
pours in for nilesh dasondi
indian-american community looks at newly-appointed special
assistant to edison, nJ, mayor with hope and aspirations
and guiding the residents and nitin Vyas di as special assistant. This is
businesses towards successful Nilesh Bhai Congratula- a very appropriate and smart
ventures. He has been a source tions on your appointment and move by Mayor to connect with
of motivation during challeng- wish you every success in your Asian Indian population to un-
ing times providing support and new duties. Please be aware derstand and resolve their is-
spreading positivity to those in sues. Nilesh is very capable and
need. I wish him all the success that you have Community full qualified in providing commu-
in life. support. nity information which often
dilip Chauhan requires the use of sound judg-
sridhar Chillara ment, interpretation of policies
We hope you will surely do
Congratulations Nilesh and procedures.
Bipin patel Bhai and it’s been a more than a good job. We all have high This appointment will prove
It was very exciting news a decade I know and today you hopes and expectations from to be a good bridge between our
when I heard Nilesh is appoint- hold a great position with the you, and we hope you won’t let community and government.
ed as Special Assistant to May- mayor Tom Lankey. us fail. You certainly deserve Congratulations to Nileshbhai
this role and we congratulate
or Tom Lankey. For the last 15 We as a Indian community you on your success. I know as he enjoys the trust of our
years I have known Nilesh, he feel very proud you hold this how much effort you have put community.
has been always very active in position and you truly deserve in to achieve it and finally, you
community weather it’s Gar- this position. Krishna Vemuri
ba, supporting our community Your position is a great to have achieved it. We wish you Congratulations on your be-
candidates for running any po- the community especially Edi- all the best for your tenure and ing appointed by Mayor as Spe-
sitions in town, county or State. son being the fifth largest town hope to see your hard work for cial Assistant.
betterment for the people of
His hard work has paid him and and is a special hub to Indians Edison. Congratulations!
I am sure he will go up the ladder for many years and with your
in future. My support for Nilesh role it will bring more closer Kunal Joshi
is always there. I wish him suc- ness between Indians and the
cess for future endeavors. lawmakers. Congratulations Nilesh
Bhai for being appointed as a
Lav patel Bhavin shastri Special Assistant to the Mayor
Congratulations and best Heartiest congratulations in Edison township! You de-
serve this position greatly and
wishes for the appointment! Nilesh Dasondi on this accom- this is extremely amazing news
Nilesh has a genuine interest plishment. Your achievement is for the Indian community and
in the community service. I am a result of ambition and perse-
confident that he will go extra verance. May you be bestowed we need a leader like you in
mile to help the constituents. with the same zeal and enthusi- politics to show recognition to Kulraj anand
our community.
Ajay Patil asm forever. Congratulations to a friend
It is good Achievement for Your role as Special Assis- srinivas ganagoni and helping hand to our com-
my Big Brother. Will pray for tant to the Mayor is a testament Nilesh Dasondi is an active munity, wish you warm wishes
more and more success in his life. of hard work. Wish you all the and success.
best for this role. It will be really community leader and he al-
shyam & seema Jagtiani great to be able to watch your ways comes forward when is rashmi Kamdar
My heartiest congratulations soar through the new heights. in need, I congratulate him for Congratulations on your
being appointed as a special as-
to Nilesh Dasondi as a special as- sistant by Mayor Tom Lankey. I achievement as special assis-
sistant to the mayor. He is a very uchita thakkar wish him the best. tant to Mayor Tom Lankey.
special asset to our township. Applauses for you Nilesh Wishing you a very successful
Having known him for over a Dasondi. This achievement de- roger Chugh future ahead. Keep doing good
decade have seen his relentless serves some noise. Congratula- work. Wishing you all the best
service to the community. Al- tions on your success. We fore- Indian community is very for Nursing & Rehabilitation
ways there to provide initiatives see that this is just a one for many thankful to Mayor Tom Lankey Centre.
for appointing Nilesh Dason-
and a helping hand, supporting that are yet to come in future. Continued on next page... >>
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