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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               February 05, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          27

          gandhian society (usa) and indian Consulate

              hold a prayer meeting to observe January 30

        Our Bureau

        New York

              he    Gandhian       Society
              (USA) along with Indian
       TConsulate in New York
        held a prayer meeting to ob-
        serve  the  73rd martyrdom of
        Mahatma Gandhi at the Indian
        Consulate in New York on Jan-
        uary 30th, 2021. The event was
        attended (virtually) by mem-
        bers from the family of Ma-
        hatma  Gandhi  -  Arun  Gandhi
        (Grandson of Mahatma Gand-
        hi), Ela Gandhi (Grand Daugh-
        ter of Mahatma  Gandhi  and
        former member of Parliament
        from South Africa, and Tushar
        Gandhi  (Great Grandson  of
        Mahatma Gandhi).
            The event was supported
        and attended by Indian Consul
        General Randhir Jaiswal, Dep-
        uty Consul General Shatrughan
        Sinha, US Law makers - Cory           Dilip Chauhan (Director of south east/ Asian Affairs for Brooklyn) presenting a citation to Indian Consul General
        Booker, Eric Adams (Brooklyn         Shri Randhir Jaiswal ji and Bhadra Butala on behalf of Brooklyn Borough President - Eric Adams. Also seen in the
        Borough  President), Upendra                                     picture are Upendra Chivukula and Rajendar Dichpally
        Chivukula and many other com-
        munity leaders who paid trib-
        utes and homage to the great
        legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. UN
        representatives Perks Ligoya
        (Malawi) and  Rodrigo  Carazo
        (Costa Rica) also addressed the
        event virtually and paid homage
        to the Greatest Human Being
        that walked the earth - Mahat-
        ma Gandhi. Indian American
        Community Leaders like H R
        Shah, Mukund Thakar, Deepak
        Shah, Rajeev Pandya, and many
        others also paid homage to the
        Father of Nation in India - Ma-                          eric Adams                           ela Gandhi (Grand Daughter of Mahatma Gandhi and
        hatma Gandhi. The highlight of                  - Brooklyn Borough President                   former Member of Parliament from south Africa)
        the event was the participation              addressing the prayer meet virtually                        addressing the prayer meet.
        of our youth  volunteers  who
        talked about what the Mahatma            Gandhian Society (USA)  Wani, Dr. Deepak Naran, Gun- plan to setup an emporium that
        and his teachings meant to them  was founded by Mr. Bhadra  jan Desai, Hasmukh Patel and  will offer literature, Gandhian
        and how it has inspired them.  Butala who plans to spread the  Shiva Kumar plan to work dil- memorabilia, Khadi and Hand-
        The other highlight of the event  message of Mahatma Gandhi in  igently to take the message of  icraft products. Additionally,
        was the melodious bhajans ren- the USA with his team of vol- the Mahatma to the masses in  we plan to engage in multiple
        dered by renowned classical  unteers and supporters. Team  the USA via partnering with ed- humanitarian projects both for
        singer Varsha Joshi. The event  members of Gandhian Society  ucational institutions and like- needy communities in the USA
        concluded by a simple lunch.         Rajendar Dichpally, Mahesh  minded organizations. We also  as well as India.

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