Page 18 - The Indian EYE 020521
P. 18
North The Indian Eye
18 February 05, 2021
i need him to be my ear and eyes: mayor tom Lankey
nilesh dasondi, appointed as special assistant to edison mayor
tom Lankey, has a very clear vision – one edison community
services to senior population.
Our Bureau He brings more than 12 years of
Edison, NJ
N ilesh Dasondi, a well- tional responsibility of efficient-
experience with overall opera-
ly handling multiple locations
and community leader,
serving over 700 seniors. He
was recently appointed to the also developed a strategic plan
prestigious position of Spe- for expanding services to addi-
cial Assistant to Mayor by Tom tional 2-3 facilities.
Lankey in the historic town of Nilesh Dasondi develops
Edison in New Jersey which is growth strategies including ex-
home to thousands of South pansion of facility size and li-
Asians. The town, known as cense capacity. He secures and
home of Thomas Alva Edison, executes contracts with Medic-
has huge Indian population and aid Managed HMOs for State
has become the focus of most of New Jersey Develops and
small businesses in last three implements all operational pro-
decades. With famous Oak- cedures and financial systems.
tree Road, which has hundreds He oversees and manages ad-
of small businesses owned by ministration and departmental
South Asians, schools that directors. Nilesh spearheaded
produce young students that Department of Health licens-
are excelling at all levels, resi- ing inspection for facility open-
dential properties which have ing. Effectively and proactively
hugely appreciated with quality managing budget and analyzes
of life transcending to new lev- financial variances.
els, Edison has been the nerve- Nilesh operates as Manage-
center of community from the ment Consultant of site ensur-
sub-continent. ing proper delivery of services
Originally from Mumbai, to 700 elderly members. He is
Nilesh Dasondi received his responsible for generating and
education at some of the best executing new strategies and
institutions in the city. Born to systems.
parents who had migrated from He assists in creating and
Gujarat, India, Nilesh trained enforcing policies & proce-
as a software engineer. He is dures according to regulatory
SAP-certified computer con- requirements, and is respon-
sultant and worked with many sible for hiring, appraisal and
Fortune 500 companies in early development of all facility staff.
years of his professional career. He performs all business office
Later, Nilesh started his own functions, including AP, AR,
consulting company and soon and payroll among others. He
turned it into a successful busi- DDD center. state-of-the-art facility to serve ensures financial projections
ness. Then, Nilesh diversified Recently, Nilesh Dasondi the local community. are met and facility operates
into booming healthcare in- made a mark and acquired one He is known to be an accom- within budget guidelines. He
dustry in past 12 years. He has of the biggest nursing homes in plished and decisive leader as oversees contract agreements
started four adult medical day Edison from Hackensack Me- well as a management profes- with medical service provider.
care centers, two children med- ridian Health system with 280 sional who oversees operations
ical day care centers and one beds. He plans to turn it into a in providing quality healthcare Continued on next page... >>
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