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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                    FEBRUARY 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 43

                          Long-lasting Impact & Life Transformations

             Rakeshbhai Ramanbhai Patel                            Vraj Prajapati                              Shri Jay Yagnik
                      Lavarpur, Gujarat                             Piplag, Gujarat                      VP & Engineering Fellow at Google
        I was addicted to alcohol since 1992.  For the past 10-    Vraj  found  a  bag  in  Bal  Nagari  and  had  called  the   “I think it’s this truly wishing for an amazing betterment
        15 years, it became quite extreme.  I ended up selling 3   person  who  lost  it  to  personally  give  it  to  him.  Any   of every person, and hence by extension, society, and
        vighas (1.2 acres) of my property to fund my addiction.   18-year-old would be tempted to keep the cell phone,   then just working selflessly towards it is what [Pramukh
        Every  morning  we  would  have  arguments  during  tea,   money, etc. “But I didn’t really have any such thoughts.   Swami Maharaj’s] life exemplifies to me and is evident
        where  my  mother  would  yell  from  the  other  room   Instead, I thought whoever’s bag this was, obtained his   through  what  is  shown  here  in  various  exhibits  and
        saying he does not want tea, he wants alcohol. So let   money through hard-earned means. The inspiration to   shows  as  well...  If  you  want  to  experience  a  truly
        him go otherwise he will continue arguing.  I would pass   not take the money was from Pramukh Swami.  He used   integrated version of spirituality – that integrates across
        by the nagar from time to time so I would see people   to say to never take anyone’s belongings, to not wrong   ages, facets of life, family, profession, spirituality – this
        working here and it has become the talk of the town.   anyone and to never steal. So, this has been ingrained   is  a  very  unique  and  well-done  combination  of  all  of
        The Festival of Pramukh Swami is going to be celebrated   in my mind. These values have been instilled in me by   them.  It’s bound to get a person to think more deeply
        there. People were registering for seva, but I was not a   attending Bal Mandal sabha.”   about things.”
        satsangi, so did not know whom to contact to register. I
        saw a car that was regularly coming to the site.  It would
        come in the morning and leave in the evening.  They
        offered to take me to the site if I wanted to join. So once
        during the month of Bhadarva, I joined. It was extremely
        hot, so I left.
        One  night,  I  felt  as  if  someone  was  waking  me.    I
        packed my bags to which my wife asked what is this.
        I replied, don’t worry, I have to leave in the morning.
        Next morning, I left without telling anywhere where I
        was going. Upon leaving, per my routine, I was walking
        towards  my  regular  place  (where  I  would  drink),  but
        then  I  changed  my  route  and  instead  came  here  (the
        nagar). My regular place was on the opposite side of the
        road.  I didn’t go to drink alcohol.  I came straight here.
        It felt as if someone had pulled my hand and brought me   Shri Akshay Kothari                        Shri Sharman Joshi
        here.  I then registered to do seva for 15 days, where my   Co-Founder & COO at Notion                    Indian Actor
        seva started in the landscaping department.
        Over  time,  I  became  more  involved  where  I  became   “I  think  it’s  really  inspiring  to  see  how  it  all  came   “Swamiji  says  about  spending  time  with  your  family,
        attached and did not feel like leaving.  I have been doing   together  ...  something  like  80,000  volunteers  giving   being connected with each other.  That will bring about
        seva for over 4 months.  I was freed from my addiction   their most precious time. It’s not only about your own   peace and happiness and effectively prosperity in your
        to  alcohol  and  everything  fell  into  place.    Such  deep   happiness ... this is one of the key lessons I am taking   lives, professionally and otherwise.  We all at some point
        rooted addiction could never be uprooted without the   away ... to respect him and follow the life he lived, and   know what the right things are to do, we lose track of
        inspiration of Bapa.  In order to free myself from this   do those acts yourself.”        that, and festivals such as these will be those reminders.”
        addiction, I had gathered 2 lakh rupees so I could be
        admitted to Kaneria Hospital.  But upon hearing about
        this Centennial Celebrations, I told my wife to keep this
        money  on  the  side  –  that  it  will  come  into  use.  I  will
        ask for it if I need it. After coming here, I saw how the
        volunteers  are  serving  without  any  addictions.    Upon
        seeing their affection and with Swamibapa’s inspiration,
        I  began  doing  seva,  puja,  tilak  chandlo  –  all  of  which
        I had despised as one time.  After coming here, I was
        inspired to bathe daily and do puja.
        There  is  something  about  Pramukh  Swami,  that  the
        thought of alcohol does not even enter my mind.  Now,
        I’m embarrassed even talking about it. Today, I feel that
        my past life was a waste, and this is my new birth!

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