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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                    FEBRUARY 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 40

                                        Service & Sacrifice of Volunteers

                         Sanjaybhai Patel of Jharola came to serve at the   would consume Rs. 3000 worth of alcohol daily   By the blessings of His Holiness Mahant Swami
                         Pramukh Swami Maharaj Shatabdi Mahotsav in   causing regular issues and fights at home. Fed up   Maharaj and the Shatabdi seva, he could give up
                         Ahmedabad for a day with his neighbor. Looking   with the daily problems, his wife and daughter   his addiction and saved his marital life. With the
                         at the enthusiasm and sacrifice of the volunteers   left  him.  After  coming  to  Pramukh  Swami   guidance of Swamis, he also started doing puja
                         on the festival grounds, he joined for 15 days of   Maharaj Nagar for seva, he gave up his alcohol   and  resolved  to  stay  away  from  all  addictions
                         seva and then, after 15 days, decided to stay in   addiction. When his wife and daughter came to   for the rest of his life. Pramukh Swami Maharaj
                         seva till the end of the festival.     know about this, they were very happy would go   Centennial Celebration was indeed a festival of
                         Sanjaybhai  had  a  habit  of  drinking  alcohol.  He   to joyously pick him up when his seva ends.  inspiration and transformation.

                         Rajniben Jhala from Surat was financially not well         Kushal Maltiya used to live with his maternal uncle and study in Poona.
                         and the Pandemic made things worse for them. Over          He came to the Mahotsav on his uncle’s insistence to serve for 7 days. He
                         and  above  that,  she  had  to  undergo  an  operation    was allocated seva in the Yagna Department. One day he suddenly told a
                         which  increased  her  financial  burden.  She  used       swami that he wanted to commit suicide due to his failures in his studies.
                         to  do  tailoring  odd  jobs  to  make  ends  meet.  She   He also told the swami that he drinks alcohol and smokes regularly. His
                         wanted  to  serve  in  the  Shatabdi  Mahotsav  so  she    lonely life, short-tempered nature, addictions and failures had made him
                         took a loan of Rs. 20,000 and came to the festival         depressed to the extent that he wanted to end his life. On getting guidance
                         grounds for her seva.                                      and blessings from senior swamis, he gave up his thought of ending his life.

                         Pujaben Bharucha of Bharuch has two daughters aged 3 and 10. Her         Jiten Patel had joined seva in the landscape department.
                         mother-in-law has had knee operations 4 times and has great difficulty   He owns a RO plant company and employs 20 people.
                         moving even at home. Pujaben wanted to come to serve but how could       He left it to his employees to handle and came for seva.
                         she  in  such  circumstances?  Her  mother-in-law  told  her  to  serve  at   Earlier, he used to drink alcohol of Rs. 1000 daily. After
                         the Mahotsav. She assured her that she should not worry about her        coming for seva, he realized that if he can stay without
                         daughters or all the other household jobs. It was very painful for her   alcohol for 15 days, then he will be able to live with even
                         but she motivated her daughter-in-law for this once in a lifetime seva     longer and can give up this addiction. He gave up his
                         opportunity. Salutations to such an understanding mother-in-law.         addiction. His family was very happy to know this.

                         Rajvir Parmar, age 14 had seva in the Bujo show.           Ramanbhai  Patel  of  Surendranagar  has  lost  his  one  hand  but  his
                         He was part of the Adivasi dance (ethnic dance). The       enthusiasm  for  seva  has  not  been  lost.  He  was  allocated  seva  in  the
                         dance involved carrying a spear. Once he hurt his          transport department. Despite his physical challenge, may it be scorching
                         leg with the spear during the dance. He was taken          sun  or  heavy  rains  he  continued  his  seva  at  his  allocated  parking  spot
                         to the doctor who bandaged the wound and advised           nonstop.  He  would  ensure  that  all  vehicles  are  parked  properly.  When
                         him to rest for two days. Yet Rajvir continued his         asked if he finds it difficult to do his seva with just one hand, he said with
                         performance  with  the  bandage.  His  zeal  to  serve     great enthusiasm that, ‘our physical troubles are no match to the troubles
                         was such that it was inspirational to all.                 faced by Pramukh Swami Maharaj.

                         Aaradhnaben Patel of Vadodara runs a small restaurant and lives in a     Shuryarajsinh Solanki, age 13, volunteered at the Bal
                         rented apartment. She served for 20 days in the Mahotsav. She learned    Nagari in the housekeeping department. Once his first
                         during her service period that the husbands of her colleagues had a      day of seva, he hurt his hand while playing and had a
                         hard time cooking and managing their meals back home. Once she           hairline  fracture.  The  doctor  advised  him  to  rest  at
                         returned, she singlehandedly cooked meals for the family members of      home. This disappointed him immensely. He requested
                         the volunteers serving in the Mahotsav. She also delivered food at the   his parents and the doctor to allow him to serve. Upon
                         homes of people who could not come to eat at her place. Salutations to   getting  their  permission,  he  served  with  a  plastered
                         Aaradhnaben for going beyond her assigned seva and serving others.       hand and completed his seva commitment.

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