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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                    FEBRUARY 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 41

                                       Service & Sacrifice of Volunteers

                         Raj  Patel,  age  12  of  Nadiad,  served  in  the          Darshan  Patel,  age  13  of  Ahmedabad  is  a  regular  member  of  the
                         housekeeping department at the Bal Nagari. On Dec16,        children’s activities of BAPS. He knew that the centenary celebration is
                         2022,  he  found  a  silver  bracelet.  He  immediately     going to take place on a grand scale. He thought about contributing to it.
                         informed his caretaker and had it deposited at the lost     He started saving his pocket money for a year, not using it on anything
                         and found office. All present appreciated his honesty.      he would have liked. Controlling his mind for his daily treats and wishes
                         From expensive mobiles to wallets to jewelry, during        was not easy, but his desire to serve was such that he did not budge.
                         the  one-month  festival,  volunteers  found  numerous      He donated Rs. 15,000 of his pocket money to the Bal Nagari. Over and
                         things which were returned to the owners.                   above this, he also served as the emcee for the show ‘The Jungle of Sheru.’

                         Manishaben of Surendranagar and her husband both were in seva at         Harsh  Brahmbhatt  of  Toronto,  Canada  deeply
                         the Shatabdi Mahotsav. While they were in Ahmedabad, their house was     desired to serve at the Mahotsav. His marriage was also
                         burglarized. They had gold ornaments at their home. They thought it all   planned around the same time as the festival. To serve
                         must have gone. They prayed to God and Mahant Swami Maharaj. Upon        in the festival, he postponed his wedding. He served for
                         going home, to their surprise, the thieves had broken their main door    2 months till the day before his marriage and served
                         locks  but  missed  the  ornaments.  Their  valuable  savings  were  intact.   the guests to the best of his ability. His fiancée Rajal
                         Their prayers were answered and they were now convinced of what they     supported his decision and in an indirect way served at
                         had heard numerous times - ‘God always protects his devotees.’           the festival. Where there is a will, there is a way.

                         Anand Patni of Ahmedabad worked for Gujarat   he  received,  he  showed  a  page  on  giving  up   live coverage of the ‘Pledge Booth’. He was very
                         First  channel  as  a  reporter.  On  December  21,   addictions. He told his father, ‘if you don’t give   impressed with the festival. For the last 15 years,
                         2022, he visited the Shatabdi Mahotsav with his   up addictions, then I will not talk to you.’ Anand   he  has  been  searching  for  a  true  Guru  and  his
                         family.  In  the  Bal  Nagari  at  the  ‘Pledge  Booth’,   gave in to his persistent request and pledged to   search finally ended here. He resolved to make
                         he made a pledge to touch his parents feet daily.   give up his addiction. The next day the child took   Pramukh  Swami  Maharaj  and  Mahant  Swami
                         He got a book titled ‘Let’s become an Ideal Child’   the book to his school and told his classmates and   Maharaj  as  his  guru.  Pramukh  Swami  Maharaj
                         as a gift for taking the pledge. The next day he   teacher about it and the pledge he took. On Dec   Centennial  Celebration  was  truly  a  festival  of
                         started to follow his pledge. On reading the book   22, 2022, Anand came to the Bal Nagari to take   inspiration and transformation.

                         Hasmukhbhai  Darji,  a  tailor  by  profession,  is  very   Vishwaben Baldha, age 13, is a student at the Randesan Girls School
                         poor.  His  daughter  is  affected  by  polio  and  his     in Ahmedabad. She served in ‘Sea of Suvarna’ show. She was not feeling
                         wife  is  sick.  His  savings  had  been  used  to  treat  his   well, but she continued her performance. When senior volunteers came
                         wife. Despite all the issues, he came to the Shatabdi       to know about her health and inquired. Vishwa politely told them, ‘We
                         Mahotsav  to  serve.  Without  taking  a  single  rupee,    have heard that Pramukh Swami went to devotees’ homes despite 102°F
                         he  stitched  and  fixed  the  clothes  of  the  volunteers   fever, so why can’t I do my performance?’. After the show, she vomited
                         serving at the festival. His goal was only to serve and     yet wanted to perform in the next show but was  taken to the doctor and
                         he did so for four months!!                                 asked to rest. How can a 13 year have complete disregard for his body?

         Priyank Patodiya, finished his engineering and wanted to go to Canada for further studies.   Himanshu  Kariya  owns  a  pharmaceutical  company.
         He got admission in Master degree course at Centennial College, Toronto, Canada. He had   He was allocated seva in the construction department.
         paid his first semester fees and was ready to go to Canada. But at that time there was a call   During  his  seva,  he  learned  that  we  were  short  on
         for volunteers to serve at the festival. So Priyank decided to postpone his studies and serve at   tractor drivers. He had never driven one, and he had
         the Pramukh Swami Maharaj Shatabdi Mahotsav for six months. His family members asked     not been allocated this seva either but he thought that
         him to serve for a month and go to Canada but he insisted on serving for six months. Finally,   if I learned to drive it, I could help the team better. So
         everyone agreed and his college too, agreed to use his paid fees when he comes to study in   he hired a tractor tutor and learned to drive in 2 days.
         the next semester.                                                                       Though this was not his skill, he still adapted to it.

         Dhiren  Patel  exports  Aluminum  and  owns  14   serving  here  so  much  that  he  inspired  over  20  of   bricks,  lifting  cement  bags,  digging  ditches,  etc.  He
         warehouses  in  Surat.  His  company’s  turnover  is  in   his  staff,  family  and  friends  to  come  serve  at  the   had never done such work earlier, but Pramukh Swami
         millions  of  rupees.  He  didn’t  want  to  miss  this  once-  Mahotsav.  Despite  being  a  reputable  businessman,  he   Maharaj had done so much for him that he wanted to do
         in-a-lifetime  opportunity  and  decided  to  serve  at  the   accommodated  with  the  other  department  volunteers.   something during his Shatabdi.
         Mahotsav  and  came  for  15  days  of  seva.  He  enjoyed   He  did  all  menial  and  laborious  tasks  such  as  lifting

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