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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                    FEBRUARY 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 42

                          Long-lasting Impact & Life Transformations

         “I saw a dustbin that was made from used   “I personally wish that in order to avoid   “After seeing the Bal Nagari, I pledge to   “In  my  routine,  I  will  follow  discipline,
         plastic water bottles, which is otherwise a   any  future  problems  in  my  family,  to   go to the mandir everyday, to reduce my   obey  my  parents,  be  self-reliant,  not
         waste. If everyone takes inspiration from   strengthen the family unity, I would like   use  of  the  Internet  and  my  phone,  and   burden  them  with  my  responsibilities,
         this, the best can be created from waste.”  to start ghar sabha at least twice a week.”  bow down to my parents everyday.”  but instead take ownership ...”

         “I  have  a  20  year  addiction  of  chewing   “I’ve had this addiction since the last 40-  “To  experience  something  like  this  we   “After  seeing  the  Buzo  show,  I  also  felt
         tobacco,  today  I  have  been  inspired  to   45 years but to not cause more grievance   would have to go out of the country and   that my parents are opposing me, while
         give it up”                      to my children and my family, I’ve decided   spend thousands of rupees, but even then   actually they are looking for the best for
                                          that  today  onward,  in  the  memory  of   we wouldn’t get the opportunity to learn   me. I have learned and decided that I will
                                          Pramukh Swami, I will quit this.”  the values presented here.”      try to listen to all my parents advise.

         “After coming here I have taken a pledge   “I  have  had  an  addiction  since  I  was   “I will bow at the feet of my parents every   “After  seeing  the  Mere  Bharat  Mahan
         to conserve water and electricity”  young, after seeing this program, I have   day, and will limit my use of the internet.”  show,  I  have  taken  a  pledge  of  not
                                          decided to quit immediately”                                        throwing waste here and there”

         “When my parents reprimand me, I feel   “After  seeing  the  exhibition,  I  gained   “We used to eat tobacco... I never thought   “Something  truly  unique  and  worth
         bad.  After  coming  here,  I  have  taken  a   inspiration to resolve to give up my habit   I  shouldn’t  have  this  addiction  or  that   noticing is that in all food stalls, women are
         vow that I will accept everything that my   of smoking and other such addictions. I   I  shouldn’t  encourage  others  to  have   managing them. One of the most critical
         parents tell me to do, bow down to their   took  the  pledge  at  the  yagnakund  and   tobacco.  Today  I’ve  decided  that  never   things  BAPS  has  done  is  empowering
         feet and study hard.”            from today I have become addiction-free.”  again in my life will I encourage anyone   women to lead and bringing to light their
                                                                            to have addictions.”              strength and self-confidence.”

         “One  thing  that  I  am  definitely  taking   “Pramukh Swami has also made a garden   “As per the show’s [Our India, My India]   “So, from today onwards wherever I go, I
         from here is that at least we all will stay   for  me  named  Bal  Nagari.  After  coming   message, we should wear a helmet while   will not throw trash or plastic bottles just
         together,  will  eat  together  and  will  do   here, I have taken two vows: to bow down   riding a motorcycle. My habit was such   anywhere; I will only throw them in the
         ghar sabha.”                     to my parents every morning and to read   that I never wore a helmet. I learned this   trash bin.”
                                          15 minutes daily.”                here so now I will apply it in my life.”

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