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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 26

          Four of a family freeze to death while trying

                          to cross US border from Canada

        OUR BUREAU

             our members presumed to be
             from one Indian family were
        Ffound frozen to death on the
        United  States-Canada  border  on
        Thursday, drawing attention to il-
        legal Indian immigration in harsh
        American winter from the northern
        border, at a time when US focus cen-
        tres largely on its southern border
        with Mexico.
            The family comprising of a man,
        a woman, a teen and an infant, all
        yet  to  be  identified,  were  report-
        ed to have been separated from a
        larger group of Indians who made
        it across the border in temperatures
        that reached minus 35 degrees Cel-
        sius. Their bodies were found within
        metres of the US border on the Ca-
        nadian side.
            In court documents filed in Min-
        nesota, the nearest jurisdiction to
        the tragedy, authorities said the US
        border patrol had stopped a white,   travelling to Manitoba to aid in the   bina, North Dakota, they found two   In preparation for their journey,
        15-passenger van driven by a Florida   investigation. India’s ambassador to   Indian nationals with Shand and   the group were wearing brand-new
        resident named Steve Shand — de-  the United States said staff from the   later intercepted a group of five. All   winter clothing, including parkas,
        scribed as a suspected smuggler of   Chicago consulate were also heading   spoke Gujarati, a language from the   boots and gloves. They, along with
        undocumented foreign nationals —   to Minnesota.                    western region of the country. One   Shand,  had  black  balaclavas.  Offi-
        less than a mile, south of the border   US  officials  announced  the   told officials he spent a large amount   cers also found evidence to suggest
        in a rural area. Two passengers were   arrest of Steve Shand, who faces   of money to come to Canada under a   a baby was travelling with the group,
        determined to be undocumented In-  charges of human smuggling. Shand,   fake student visa and planned to visit   but when they couldn’t find the child,
        dian nationals.                   47, is due to appear in court on 24   an uncle in Chicago.          they notified Canadian police.
            The death of four members of   January.
        an Indian family at the US-Canada     “The investigation into the
        border  has  once  again  highlighted   death of the four individuals in Can-
        the dangerous journeys families are   ada is ongoing along with an inves-
        willing to risk for a better life – and   tigation into a larger human smug-
        the groups that profit from their des-  gling operation of which Shand is
        peration.                         suspected of being a part,” said John
            “It was an absolutely mind-blow-  Stanley, a special agent with Home-
        ing story. It’s so tragic to see a family   land Security Investigations, in court
        die like that, victims of human traf-  documents.
        fickers  …  and  of  people  who  took   On Wednesday, investigators
        advantage of their desire to build a   from the US Department of Home-
        better life,” Canadian prime minis-  land Security acted on a tip from
        ter Justin Trudeau told reporters on   a snowplow driver, who spotted
        Friday.                           Shand’s van stuck in a ditch during
            “This is why we are doing all we   the blizzard, according to court doc-
        can to discourage people from cross-  uments.
        ing the border in an irregular or illic-  The driver helped Shand free
        it manner. We know there are great   the vehicle, and Shand said he was
        risks in doing so.”               bound for Winnipeg to visit relatives.
            India’s  high  commissioner  to   Authorities  say  it was  the  second
        Canada, Ajay Bisaria, described the   time he had been in the area.
        deaths as a “grave tragedy”, and an-  When  the  officers  stopped  the
        nounced that a consular team was   car, near the border crossing at Pem-

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