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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 21, 2022 | The Indian Eye 24
11th Congressional Global Community oscars 2021:
Top Four Awards Announced By U.S.
Congressman Danny K Davis
OUR BUREAU empowers the multi-ethnic commu- man Danny K Davis in a star-studded sition of the Speaker of the Illinois
nities through social, educational, awards ceremony at the 11th Annual House of Representatives in the
cultural, political, health, econom- Congressional Global Community State of Illinois.
.S. Congressman Danny K ic and youth initiatives . American Oscars on Saturday, February 19, Dr. Mercedes Martinez, Award
Davis announced that the Multi Ethnic Coalition - AMEC is 2022, at Yellow Box Theater in Na- Jury Vice Chair announced that the
UMEATF CONGRESSIO- a bipartisan grass root level organi- perville, Illinois. U.S. Congressman Outstanding Physician of the Year
NAL MEDAL OF EXCELLENCE zation that strives to promote and Davis is extending a personal invita- 2021 is awarded to Dr. Paramjit ‘
FOR 2021 goes to the producers of protect ethnic minorities by maximiz- tion to Udhaynidhi Stalin to receive Romi ‘ Chopra, Associate Professor
Jai Bhim, an Indian movie on po- ing every resource that we have for the prestigious honor in USA. of Radiology at Rush University in
lice brutality that was released in the good of our communities. The “I want to congratulate all of the Chicago. Dr. Romi Chopra is also the
2021 based on a true story on social International Awards Jury chaired award recipients because being se- C.E.O. of MIMIT Health , Illinois
justice. The entire team of Jai Bhim by Martino Tangkar, Indonesian lected by the Awards Jury to receive the fast growing physician doctor
including Justice K. Chandru (story), American includes Dr. Mercedes one of these awards is an indication group in Illinois. Dr. Chopra is an in-
Producers Surya & Jyothika, and Di- Martinez ,Hispanic American, Dr. that you have done outstanding work terventional radiologist with over 30
rector T.J. Gnanavel are being invited Fathima Alawsee, Iraqi American, and made significant accomplish- years of experience in interventional
to receive the award at the 11th Con- AMEC Lt. Governor Manne Linga- ments to advance the quality of life radiology and endovascular therapy.
gressional Global Community Oscars iah, Indian American, Dr. Clarence and individuals across the globe. We Martino Tangkar, Congressio-
on Saturday, February 19 at Yellow Beals, African American, and Sam invite everyone to acknowledge these nal Global Community Awards Jury
Box, Naperville, Illinois, USA. Ma , Chinese American selected the outstanding individuals,” Congress- Chairman said that the 11th Annual
The MEATF & AMEC 11th awardees from the nominations re- man Davis said. Congressional Oscars Gala will be an
Annual Congressional Global ceived for each category. Award Jury Member Dr. Clar- action packed event with mesmeriz-
Community Oscars Awards Gala is DMK Youth Wing President , ence Beals, MEATF’s Member Sec- ing entertainment , U.S. Naval band,
hosted annually by U.S. Congress- State Legislator, Media Publisher retary announced that Illinois House U.S. Color guards , and a dazzling
man Danny K. Davis, which honors and Actor Udhaynidhi Stalin from Speaker Emmanuel Chris Welch has European fashion show . This by in-
our International and Communi- Chennai, India is awarded ‘The In- been selected as Man of the Year vitation only event will have Several
ty Heroes who have made a major ternational Rising Star of the Year 2021 for his dedication in serving our elected officials, representatives of
impact in empowering our ethnic 2021’. The International Rising Star communities by leveraging his lead- the various Consular corps, media
communities. Multi-Ethnic Advi- Award aims to recognize the out- ership to empower and enlighten personalities and community leaders
sory Task Force, MEATF of U. S. standing work done by an emerging us especially during this pandemic. from 24 different ethnic communi-
Congressman Danny K Davis’s 7th leader across the globe. Udhaynidhi Speaker Welch is the first African ties as part of the 1,100 guests on Sat-
Congressional District of Illinois will be honored by U.S. Congress- American to hold the powerful po- urday, February 19,2022.
preventive healthcare screenings na- leaders, said, “AAPI, under the guid- of individuals and corporations, and In her eloquent keynote ad-
tionwide.” And an appeal was signed ance of President Dr. Anupama comprehend the complex dynamics dress, Dr. Sangita Reddy, a Global
by the panelists to be submitted to Gotimukula, would like to collabo- of the commerce of health care en- Healthcare Leader, Indian Entre-
the Honorable Prime Minister of In- rate with the Healthcare leaders in terprise. preneur, and Humanitarian, is the
dia, Shri Narendra Modi, and India’s proposing the creation of an Indian “At the CEO forum, AAPI is Joint Managing Director of Apol-
Ministry of Health. Preventive Task Force (IPTF). IPTF excited to perceive, debate, and lo Hospitals Enterprise Limited
Urging the Government of In- guidelines should be promoted and walk towards a common goal of - Asia’s largest and most trusted
dia to encourage private hospitals implemented as part of the annual “Preventive medicine is better than healthcare group, shared her pas-
and insurance companies to pro- physical exam or telemedicine visit Cure.” We intend to promote pre- sion for the care of the masses, using
vide Annual Physical exams, or at government hospitals and prima- ventive care guidelines in India by technology to reach out. Her convic-
Telehealth visits at an affordable ry care centers. We envision a great collaborating with Indian Physicians, tion in using the Internet for patient
cost to patients, the CEO Forum future for our country with the direct Pharmaceutical companies, mod- management was substantiated by
members stated, “many routine lab result of complex interactions at this ern diagnostic labs, medical device an MOU signed between Apollo
tests, vaccinations, blood pressure forum with your assistance, guid- companies, robust hospital chains, Hospitals and AAPI for Telemedi-
checks, and some cancer screenings ance, and experience.” and public health experts,” Prof (Dr) cine for Second Opinions.
like self-breast examination can be Analyzing and assimilating the Joseph M. Chalil, Chair of the Com- “Healthcare is in the center stage
done remotely and even at patients’ diverse and expert views expressed by plex Health Systems advisory board as never been before. Let us work to-
homes with the help of Asha work- the renowned speakers at the CEO at Nova Southeastern University’s gether to bring about the transforma-
ers.” Forum regarding the current state School of Business; Chairman of the tion in healthcare. Technology is the
Prof. Joseph Chalil, Chair of of healthcare in India, the CEO Fo- Indo-American Press Club and The great growling engine of change and
AAPI’s CEO Form, who organized rum provided a great stage to inter- Universal News Network publisher, transformation. It transforms quietly
such an elite panel of healthcare act with a varied and distinct group added. and silently,” she said.