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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 21, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
expert Ceo Forum at 15th AAPI Global
Healthcare Summit Urges Modi Govt. to Appoint
an Indian Preventive Task Force
Hyderabad (India)
he Healthcare industry in In-
dia and worldwide is rapidly
Tchanging, leading to many de-
scribing the healthcare environment
as dynamic, complex, and highly un-
certain. How the health care environ-
ment is perceived and characterized
is vital for several reasons. In this
context, continuing with the tradi-
tions on the successful experiences of
the past Global Health Summits, the
largest ethnic medical organization
in the United States, The American
Association of Physicians of Indian annual preventive healthcare screen-
Origin (AAPI) organized the next ings nationwide,” benefitting the 1.4
edition of the influential Health- billion people in India.
care CEOs Forum on January 7th in “We are excited to welcome
Hyderabad during the 15th annual you to the 15th Global Health-
Global Healthcare Summit 2022. care Summit and this elite pan-
el of experts and physicians
During the much-anticipated and healthcare industry leaders
Ceos Forum, a panel of health- from India and the United States, of-
fering an excellent platform to brain-
care experts, health industry storm and explore ways to fo-
leaders, opinion makers, and cus on the of theme, Healthcare
community organizers discussed through Telehealth and Tech-
the significance of promoting nology usage during this post- leaders from the healthcare industry, Advanced Research Group; Prof.
Covid Era,” and to have an
Preventive healthcare in India. opportunity to recommend possi- several challenges were addressed (Dr.), Joseph M Chalil
ble ways to plan and implement pre- by multiple renowned speakers from The CEO Forum unanimously
The CEO Forum Unanimously ventive medicine that will save re- the healthcare field, deliberating on approved “An Appeal by AAPI to
approved “An Appeal by AAPI to sources and precious human lives,” the healthcare delivery system in In- the Government of India to initiate
the Government of India to initiate said Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, dia. Expert panelists who were part efforts for creating an Indian Preven-
efforts for creating an Indian Preven- President of AAPI. of the CEO Forum included: Prof. tive Task Force and conduct annual
tive Task Force (IPTF) and conduct Attended by a record 17 senior MD Nalapat, Vice-Chair of Manipal Continued at next page... >>