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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 30

                          Poornima Padmanabhan gets

                                                   CAreer award

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            mers, electrochemistry, and alterna-
                                                                                                              tive energy resources.
        New York
                                                                                                                  Prior to coming to RIT, she
              hemical engineer Poornima                                                                       was a post-doctoral researcher at
              Padmanabhan, who is search-                                                                     Cornell University and received
        Cing for the origins of life based                                                                    its Alice H. Cook and Constance
        on minute systems of molecules, has                                                                   E. Cook Award, given by the Of-
        received a National Science Founda-                                                                   fice  of  Faculty  Development  and
        tion Faculty Early Career Develop-                                                                    Diversity for commitment to wom-
        ment (CAREER) award. An assis-                                                                        en’s issues and improving the cli-
        tant professor chemical engineering                                                                   mate for women at the university.
        at Rochester Institute of Technology                                                                      Padmanabhan    continues  to
        (RIT), Padmanabhan was given the                                                                      be an advocate for gender di-
        five-year, $478,476 award to discover                                                                 versity and increasing the pipe-
        how chiral structures—or mirror-im-                                                                   line of students in STEM de-
        age, entangled molecules—function,                                                                    gree programs, the release said.
        according to an RIT press release.                                                                        The CAREER program is an
            This process is essential to un-                                                                  NSF-wide activity that offers awards in
        derstanding how different cell types                                                                  support of junior faculty who exempli-
        are formulated in biochemical devel-  chiral structures and the reason the   amazing things are observed.”  fy the role of teacher-scholars through
        opment, the Rochester, New York-  work is very exciting is we don’t know   At RIT, she is co-director of the   outstanding research, excellent  edu-
        based private research university   how these phenomena happen,” said   Computational Materials Research   cation, and the integration of educa-
        said. The concepts can provide in-  Padmanabhan.                    Nucleus Lab which researches devel-  tion and research within the context
        formation about how synthetic ma-     In chemical systems where com-  opment of “extreme” strength poly-  of the mission of their organizations.
        terials can be further developed for   plex interactions lead to formation of
        use in the pharmaceutical industry,   molecular structures at a multitude of
        in agriculture or food analysis, and in   length scales, chirality may or may not
        the development of novel materials   result in each of those length scales.
        to enhance sensing and imaging ap-    “We cannot predict when some-
        plications, it said.              thing will be frustrated or when
                                          something will be amplified. That is
        Padmanabhan received the          what we are trying to discover with
                                          this work,” she said.
        award from the NSF’s division         Understanding when and how
        of  Materials  research for her   chirality is transferred from the
                                          smallest to the largest length scale
        study titled “Chirality and poly-  will be explored by studying the un-

        mer thermodynamics: frustra-      derlying thermodynamic principles
                                          and interrogating the molecular-lev-
        tion and amplification.” Chiral-  el detail. A thermodynamic under-
        ity means “handed-ness” and       standing of conditions when such
                                          transfer  is  amplified,  or  conditions
        anything in nature that can be  when such transfer is hindered, re-
        identified as right- or left-hand-  main unknown, but through discov-
                                          ery, the information can be used to
        ed are essentially mirror images.  build  artificial  systems  that  mimic
                                          biology for engineering applications,
            Polymers are long molecules   she added.
        made from smaller entities that       “One cool part about chirality
        are bonded together. When these   which was a total surprise—and we
        smaller entities are chiral, they form   still don’t know why this is true—
        much larger chiral polymers, such as   many of the biological molecules in
        proteins which become the building   our body are all of one type of chi-
        blocks of life systems. In turn, hun-  rality,” said Padmanabhan, who has
        dreds or thousands of polymers can   been at RIT since 2017.
        come together to form even larger     “At some point early on, during
        structures.                       evolution, something about the ther-
            “We can think about how pro-  modynamics of the system led us
        teins fold, how life originated, we   down this one single path. We don’t
        can think about how biology forms   know why. It’s so crazy how these

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