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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                    JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 34

          Emotions, tears and smile as family, friends

            and fans remember Sushant Singh Rajput

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            filmmaker Mukesh Chhabra penned
                                                                                                              an emotional note on his social me-
                                                                                                              dia handle.
             ushant Singh Rajput, whose                                                                           Taking to his Instagram, Mukesh
             birth anniversary was on Janu-                                                                   shared a throwback picture of him-
        Sary 21, was an actor who etched                                                                      self with the late actor and wrote,
        his name in the hearts of both small                                                                  “Happy Birthday Bhai. Ek tu hi tha..
        and large screen audiences with his                                                                   tere jaisa koi nai hai. Na koi hoga.
        spectacular performances that will                                                                    (There is no one like you and never
        be remembered for many years to                                                                       will be any) Miss you bhai #sushan-
        come.                                                                                                 tsinghrajput.”
            Born  on  January  21,  1986,  the                                                                    Mukesh is the director of Su-
        late actor might have left this world                                                                 shant’s last film ‘Dil Bechara’ which
        at an early but his fans continue to                                                                  also starred Sanjana Sanghi in the
        remember him because of the strong                                                                    lead role. The movie was released on
        character he played in his films, de-                                                                 Disney plus Hotstar on July 24, 2020.
        spite a short-lived career. He had                                                                        Filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor
        come  to  the  film  industry  with  no                                                               also penned an emotional mes-
        Bollywood connection. Still, he man-                                                                  sage on social media. Sushant and
        aged to make a place for himself. Su-                                                                 Abhishek have delivered some pow-
        shant started his career in showbiz as                                                                erful  films  together  including  ‘Ke-
        a dancer and later joined a theatre      Fans pay tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput on his first death anniversary    darnath’ and ‘Kai Po Che’. Taking
        group. After making his name in                           on June 14, 2021 (ANI)                      to his Instagram handle, Abhishek
        the TV industry, courtesy of his per-                                                                 shared pictures of Sushant and
        formance in Ekta Kapoor’s ‘Pavitra                                                                    wrote a  message in Hindi which
        Rishta’,  the  actor  switched  to  films   Bhai. We will try and fulfill all your   ible job,” she captioned the post.  roughly translates to: “Happy birth-
        and within a span of seven years.  dreams @sushantsinghrajput , your    Commemorating the 36th birth   day sweetheart. There is no one like
            On Friday, Rhea Chakraborty’s   legacy will live on. Thanks to the Pro   anniversary of his close friend and   you nor will ever be. Jai Bholenath
        post on actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s   Team, you guys have done an incred-  late  actor  Sushant  Singh  Rajput,   #sushantsinghrajput.”
        birth anniversary has left everyone
        emotional. Taking to Instagram,
        Rhea posted a throwback  video,                              The besT of sushanT
        in which Sushant and Rhea can be
        seen goofing around in a gym before
        finally posing with each other for a    A walk down memory lane to look back at some of the best works of the acclaimed actor.
        photo. Rhea set the video to Pink                                                                     (Sara) and a Muslim man (Su-
        Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’. She      ‘KAI Po CHe’ (2013)                                            shant) working in the same vicinity.
        captioned the post as, “Miss you so    Sushant made his Bollywood
        much.”                              debut with ‘Kai Po Che!’, which                                      ‘CHHICHHore’ (2019)
            “This video has brought a big   also  featured  Amit  Sadh  and  Ra-
                                                                                                                  This  was  Sushant’s  last  film
        smile to my face,” a social  media   jkummar Rao in pivotal roles.                                    which was released in theatres
        user commented. “Miss you Sushant   The movie was based on Chetan                                     while he was alive. ‘Chhichhore’
        and your goofy activities,” another   Bhagat’s novel ‘3 Mistakes of My                                had set the flags of success at the
        one wrote. For the unversed, Rhea   Life’ and followed the lives of                                   box  office,  was,  ironically,  an  ode
        was dating Sushant, who was found   three best friends on their journey                               to the idea of living life to the full-
        dead at his residence in Mumbai on   through life.                                                    est and not giving up in the face of
        June 14, 2020.                       ‘M.S DHoNI-THe UNToLD                                            challenge.
            Sushant Singh Rajput is no more
        with us but he is fondly remembered        STory’ (2016)                ‘KeDArNATH’ (2018)               ‘DIL BeCHArA’ (2020)
        by his family members, friends, and    The Neeraj Pandey directori-                                       Sushant’s  final  film  ‘Dil  Be-
        fans  every day.  On his  36th  birth   al biopic on the popular cricketer   Featuring debutant Sara Ali   chara’, which was released on the
        anniversary, his sister Shweta Singh   was Sushant’s most pivotal role in   Khan along with Sushant, this   OTT platform Disney Plus Hot-
        Kirti took to Instagram and penned   a seven-year-long movie career and   movie was a romantic drama di-  star  after his  death, also starred
        an emotional note, saying the late   even proved to be the biggest hit   rected  by  Abhishek  Kapoor.  Sanjana Sanghi and was directed
        actor’s legacy will always live on. She   of his. Sushant was outstanding in   Based on the 2013 Uttarakhand   by Mukesh Chhabra. A touching
        also shared a video featuring major   each scene, splendidly portraying   floods  that  devastated  the  region,   adaption of Jonh Green’s novel
        highlights and emotional moments    the captain’s fragile and sensitive  ‘Kedarnath’ also shed light on in-  ‘The  Fault  in  Our  Stars’,  the  film
        of Sushant’s life.                  side and even managed to get the   ter-faith love and marriage between   certainly made viewers cry and re-
            “My God!What a beautiful com-   accent just right.              a wealthy Hindu Brahmin woman     ceived critical acclaim.
        pilation. A Very Happy Birthday to

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