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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 26, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

                         USISPF Leads a Delegation of over 35

               Fortune American Companies to 10th Vibrant

                                     Gujarat Global Summit 2024

           University of San Diego is among one of the first foreign universities aiming to set up a campus in Gujarat’s GIFT city

                                                                   PM Narendra Modi and other participating dignitaries at the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Summit
        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC
                                                     SPF on the occasion said, “It’s wonderful to be back   1949, boasts a rich history and academic excellence.
              he  US-India  Strategic  Partnership  Forum   in Gujarat and an honor for us at USISPF to lead   With  89  undergraduate  and  graduate  programs,
              (USISPF) lead a delegation comprising over   a delegation of American companies to invest and   USD  enrolls  approximately  9,073  students  across
        T35  Fortune  American  companies,  including   contribute to the development of Gujarat, a state   various disciplines, earning its classification among
        Salesforce,  Abbott,  Blackstone,  HSBC,  UPS,  Mi-  with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Vibrant Gujarat   “R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity.”
        cron,  Cisco,  SHRM  and  others  which  have  plans   Summit is a flagship program of the Government of   USD’s foray into GIFT City is part of a broader
        to increase their investments in Gujarat, India. The   Gujarat, and an investor summit whose success was   initiative to expand its global footprint. The Amer-
        companies are also eagerly exploring opportunities   personally  spearheaded  by  Prime  Minister  Modi   ican university intends to sign a Memorandum of
        to  build  on  the  flagship  Gujarat  International  Fi-  during his Chief Ministerial days and it’s commend-  Understanding (MOU) with IIT Gandhinagar and
        nance Tec-Cit (GIFT) City’s economic landscape.  able how far the summit has come in little over two   other educational institutions to facilitate the estab-
            This delegation was led by USISPF President and   decades. The tenth edition accentuates the devel-  lishment of its campus in GIFT City.
        CEO Dr. Mukesh Aghi. The delegation of 35 Fortune   opment and socio-economic growth in the western   According to reports, the university aims to of-
        American companies interacted with Gujarat Chief   Indian state that epitomizes India’s entrepreneurial   fer dual degree programs in collaboration with Indi-
        Minister, Bhupendra Patel in a roundtable meeting   spirit and can-do attitude.”           an universities. This innovative approach will allow
        on behalf of the hosting state for the global summit.  As  per  USISPF,  it  remains  committed  to   students to pursue a portion of their studies in the
            “Had a fruitful meeting with the delegation of   strengthening the economic ties between the United   US and the remaining portion in India. USD also
        USISPF. Showcased the potential of GIFT IFSCA   States and India, and its participation in the Vibrant   plans to introduce online programs, catering to a
        and the investment opportunities in this smart city,”   Gujarat Global Summit 2024 reflects our dedication   wider audience and providing education at a more
        said CM Patel on X.                          to  fostering  meaningful  partnerships  and  driving   accessible cost.
            “USA  is  Gujarat’s  major  export  destination.   innovation in both nations, especially with deeper   Through its India campus USD plans to offer a
        Also, more than 120 US companies have established   engagement at the state level.         wide range of education options of the highest quality
        their base in Gujarat currently,” he added.      The  US-India  Strategic  Partnership  Forum   to make a significant difference. It will also offer on-
            USISPF was the partner organization for the   (USISPF),  formed  in  2017,  is  an  independent   line courses as well as hybrid programs at a lower cost.
        Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024 from January   non-profit, non-governmental, and non-partisan or-  The GIFT City campus is expected to become
        10th to 12th, 2024, in Gandhinagar.          ganization headquartered in Washington, D.C., with   a hub for international education, with USD join-
            The focus areas for the engagement included   offices across both countries.           ing the ranks of prestigious institutions like Deakin
        leveraging India’s burgeoning momentum in the hi-  Also,  University  of  San  Diego  is  among  one   University. Discussions are also underway with oth-
        tech manufacturing space, particularly in avenues of   of the first foreign universities aiming to set up a   er foreign universities, including Nanyang Techno-
        semiconductors and chip manufacturing, as well as   campus in Gujarat’s GIFT city. The university will   logical University (Singapore), Monash University
        critical areas of energy transition, chemicals and in-  collaborate with IIT Gandhinagar and other promi-  (Australia), Imperial College London (UK), and the
        dustrial manufacturing, aerospace and defence.  nent varsities to open their first campus in India.  University of California, Berkeley (USA), to explore
            Dr. Mukesh Aghi, President and CEO of USI-   The University of San Diego, chartered in July   the possibility of setting up campuses in GIFT City.

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