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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 26, 2024 | The Indian Eye 28
Long-term strategic interests of India and Canada
are aligned despite tension: Canadian envoy
Envoy Cameron Mackay at Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit emphasized that over 100 Indian
companies have invested in Canada and over 600 Canadian companies are present in India
OUR BUREAU lationship which is in the interest of
both of our countries,” said Mackay.
Gandhinagar, India
He expects that the busi-
ameron Mackay, Canada’s ness-to-business ties will support job
High Commissioner to India creation, technology partnership and
Cconveyed at the Vibrant Guja- prosperity of both the countries, while
rat Global Summit on Thursday that in particular emphasizing that this an-
despite the tensions in recent times, nual gathering of investors was a “great
the strategic interests of India and platform to reassert our business to
Canada are “absolutely aligned”, and business and people to people ties.”
he was particularly happy to see the “My advice to my government
continuance of bilateral trade and in- and that to the Indian government
vestment relationship. and business community on both
The bitterness in relationship sides is to let the governments do
between the two countries last year what they are doing, let the govern-
in response to the Canadian Prime ment do diplomacy but everyone
Minister Justin Trudeau’s allegation knows that in the long term, Canada’s
about India’s suspected involvement strategic interest and India’s strategic
in the killing of Khalistani separatist interest are absolutely aligned,” the
and designated terrorist Hardeep gation as absurd and made a point two countries. It is no secret. But I high commissioner said.
Singh Nijjar in Canada has devel- that India has been convicted with- am encouraged by leadership and vi- “Over 100 Indian companies
oped into a scenario of complete out any proof. sion of business community present have invested in Canada and over
thaw in the relationship between two “In the past months it has been here and outside the room to con- 600 Canadian companies are present
countries. India has denied the alle- a time of some tensions between our tinue with trade and investment re- in India,” he added further.