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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 26, 2024 | The Indian Eye 29
Tara Shajan honored by WFY at a
consultation conference in New Delhi
Demand grows for dual citizenship among the global Indian diaspora
New Delhi, India
he Indian Diaspora Global, an
organization of Indian-origin
Tpeople, recently launched a
“Keep the Door Open” campaign to
lobby for dual citizenship for the In-
dian diaspora all over the world. The
campaign aims to address the prob-
lems that Indian migrants encounter
when obtaining citizenship in another
nation, which forces them to relin-
quish their Indian citizenship owing
to present restrictions.
On Tuesday, Indian Diaspora
Global hosted a consultation session
at the Constitutional Club of India
here to delve into the legal, constitu-
tional, social, cultural, economic, and
legislative elements of dual citizen-
ship in India.
During the event, Indian-origin founder and chairman of the Indi- Prime Minister’s foreign visit or any
writers and individuals from various an Diaspora Global, Mr. Melwyn other event, we had all witnessed the
walks of life and across the globe Williams, the Mahamandaleshwar power of the Indian diaspora. Dual
were honoured for their contribu- and national president of Shri Guru citizenship is a controversial topic in
tions to the community. Ravidas Vishwa Mahapeeth Bharat, India. Today, a woman of Indian de-
Tara Shajan is one such promi- Suresh Rathore, Indian Diaspora scent serves as Vice President of the
nent personality. She has garnered Global Country Head Advocate Sha- United States; the Indian diaspora’s
significant attention with her January ju Francis, senior journalist and pro- power grows over time.
2024 “WFY” magazine cover fea- gram moderator Mr. Vinay Kumar, Mannu Singh Tomar stated,
ture. Her impactful work in shaping and Shri Mannu Singh Tomar graced “Dual citizenship is a critical issue,
the cultural and social narratives of the occasion. and we will all work together to ad-
the Indian community abroad has Speaking at the event, Giridhari vance this demand.” This is a critical
been acknowledged with a Certifi- Yadav said that dual citizenship could issue for crores of individuals of In-
cate of Recognition from the distin- be advantageous to India. As per dian heritage residing overseas.”
guished “World For You”platform. him, many industrialized countries, While presenting a vote of grati-
Tara Shajan’s story exemplifies including the United States, have tude, Indian Diaspora Global Coun-
inspirational leadership and commu- dual citizenship. He also suggested try Head Advocate Shaju Francis
nity service, enriching the dialogue that India adopt dual citizenship, stated, “Article 9 of the Citizenship
on dual citizenship and reflecting the which would allow Indian migrants Act has been ignored in terms of
Indian diaspora’s pursuit of identity to maintain ties to India even if they dual citizenship.” According to this
and belonging. Based in New York, lived in another nation. Sri Guru Ravidas Vishwa Ma- provision, anytime an Indian citizen
Tara serves as the Director of Mental Melwyn Williams, founder and hapeeth Bharat’s Mahamandalesh- gains citizenship in another nation,
Health Services at Lincoln Hospital chairman of Indian Diaspora Glob- war, along with National President they lose their Indian citizenship.
NYCHHC and holds the position of al, stated that dual citizenship would and MLA Suresh Rathore, stated, Meanwhile, in Germany, whenever
Treasurer for the National Associ- help Indian migrants to stay linked “Dual citizenship is a difficult mat- someone willingly gets citizenship in
ation of Indian Nurses of America. to their roots. ter. In this instance, a person would another nation, the government ad-
Also Global Treasurer for Global He stated that many Indian become a minister in both the Paki- vises him.”
Indian Council. Her journey mirrors migrants who relocate abroad for stani and Indian governments, which It is worth noting that this con-
the aspirations of many in the dias- school or employment eventually is impossible.” The government sultation conference provided a fo-
pora who seek to maintain strong become citizens of their new nations. should think about this.” rum for MPs to debate their opinions
ties with their Indian heritage while This could result in a loss of talent Vinay Kumar, a senior journalist on dual citizenship. It addressed the
thriving globally. and investment in India. Dual citi- and event moderator, stated, “We all global trend of dual citizenship and
Giridhari Yadav, MP for Banka zenship would help to avoid this by know the power of the Indian dias- its positive influence on individuals’
in the Lok Sabha, was the chief guest allowing Indian migrants to retain pora. He described it as a pressing economic, educational, and cultural
at the consultation conference. The their Indian citizenship. issue, saying that whether it was the well-being.