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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 26, 2024 | The Indian Eye 22
Ram devotees hold Tesla music
show in Washington DC;
Car rally planned in New York
Washington, DC/New York
one-of-a-kind innovative Tesla
Car musical show dedicated
A Lord Ram was organized
at Shri Bhaktha Anjaneya Temple in
Frederick City, a Maryland suburb
of Washington DC as January 22 ap-
proaches, the date of the grand conse-
cration of the Ram Mandir in Ayod-
hya. Also, car rallies in 21 cities across
the US
Over 100 devotees, each own-
ing a Tesla car, gathered at
Shri Bhaktha Anjaneya Temple
on Saturday night. They used
one of the key features of Tes-
la cars wherein the headlights
and speakers of these Tesla
cars get synced with a popular
number dedicated to Lord Ram.
Introduced in 2022, the light- US, held car rallies in as many as 21 are set to join this visual celebration The ‘pran pratishtha’ or conse-
flashing-set-to-music feature is avail- cities: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Car- starting on Monday, January 15. cration will take place on 22nd Janu-
able in certain categories of its mod- mel (Indiana), Cary and Charlotte “The resounding message con- ary, Monday in Ayodhya. Many lead-
els. According to the organizers of in North Carolina, Chicago, Denver veyed by these billboards is that ers and celebrities have been invited
the Tesla Music Show, Vishwa Hindu in Colorado, Edison in New Jersey; Hindu Americans are elated and to this event which will be watched
Parishad of America, more than 200 Houston, Austin and San Antonio in joyously participating in this once- throughout the world through live
Tesla Car owners had registered for Texas’ New York, Phoenix, Portland; in-a-lifetime event. Their emotions webcasts. Prime Minister Modi, who
the event. Sacramento, San Francisco and Simi overflow as they eagerly await the is fasting and following a 11-day spe-
“Today we had the Tesla Ram Valley in California; Seattle and St auspicious day of the consecration cial ritual in the run-up to the Pran
Bhagwan musical event on the occa- Louis. ceremony,” the statement further Pratishtha of Ramlala at the temple
sion of the inauguration of the Ram Meanwhile, Vishwa Hindu Par- said. at Ayodhya Dham on 22nd January,
Temple in Ayodhya. We are grateful ishad of America announced the The excitement is reaching its noted the feeling of Ram Bhakti im-
to the generation of Hindus over the placement of large billboards in over crescendo as the date of the conse- mersing the whole nation in the run-
last 500 years to have struggled for 10 states. “More than 40 billboards cration of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya up to the Pran Pratishtha.
the Ram Temple in Ayodhya,” said will prominently display the mes- approaches. In US, many car rallies Calling this moment a blessing
Mahendra Sapa, president of the DC sage of the Shri Ram Janam Bhumi have been organized to show enthu- of the almighty, he said “I am over-
chapter of VHP America, organisers Mandir (Temple) Consecration Cer- siasm and support for the newly built whelmed with emotions! For the first
of the Tesla musical event here. emony scheduled for January 22, Ram Mandir. On coming Sunday, time in my life, I am going through
“The Tesla light show is just the 2024. This momentous event, await- 21st January, at 3 pm, the rally will such feelings, I am experiencing a
beginning of the celebration of the ed by the Hindu community for over start from Patel Brothers, passing different feeling of devotion. This
Ram Temple inauguration,” said An- 25 generations (495 years), will be through Gurudwara in Hicksville and emotional journey of my inner self is
imesh Shukla, one of the volunteer celebrated with unprecedented en- culminating at AsaMai Temple in not an opportunity for expression but
organisers. VHPA plans to organise thusiasm,” a media release said. New York. for experience. Even though I want
similar light shows on January 20, he The billboards have already been Another grand car rally was or- to, I am not able to put into words
said. unveiled in Texas, Illinois, New York, ganized in Edison, New Jersey by its depth, breadth and intensity. You
VHP America, which is leading New Jersey, and Georgia. Additional- Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America’s can also understand my situation very
the Ram temple celebrations in the ly, Arizona and the State of Missouri New Jersey chapter. well.”