Page 11 - The Indian EYE 011725
P. 11

OPINION                                                             JANUARY 17, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 11

            Since the day Mr. Trump an-
        nounced his candidacy at the tower
        bearing his name almost 10 years
        ago, many politicians, pundits, activ-
        ists and members of the news media
        have detailed every one of his failings
        and  missteps.  Every  word  he’s  ever
        spoken has been criticized. Yet he just
        won  again.  People  are  exhausted  by
        the  endless  finger-pointing,  nit-pick-
        ing and daily battling for political ad-
        vantage. They want leaders to work
        together to get things done.
            Some members of my party and
        left-leaning advocacy groups are now
        branding themselves as the leaders of
        a national “resistance” movement, re-
        flexively opposing ideas from the incom-
        ing administration. That’s a bad idea.
            Resistance has a role. During the
        prior Trump presidency, I resisted his
        efforts to undo the Affordable Care
        Act and to deport the Dreamers. And
        we can and should continue to resist
        Mr. Trump’s efforts to retaliate against
        his perceived political enemies by wea-
        ponizing  the  Justice  Department,  his
        pledge to gut policies that combat cli-
        mate change and protect our environ-
        ment, and his threat to bring the United
        States back to an isolationist view of the
        world. To lead effectively, we must find
        common ground, build consensus and
        offer solutions. Democrats must resist
        when necessary, but our general out-  Under President Biden, Democrats refocused national policy on rebuilding the middle class by creating solid job opportunities with the Infra-
        look must be to go beyond resistance                            structure Law and promoting manufacturing (ANI photo)
        and articulate a vision that inspires.
            For instance, while it is essential
        to secure the border and deport crim-  minimum wage, adoption of the   warning and an opportunity. My New   weakened our democracy. But if they
        inals, we must also reform the broken   union-friendly PRO Act and a robust   Year’s resolution is to rise above par-  embrace bipartisanship and coopera-
        asylum system and modernize legal   enhancement of the child tax credit.   tisanship and bickering, reject extrem-  tion, 2025 can be a better year for all
        immigration to provide pathways to   Voters need to hear that.      ism and embrace common sense, and   Americans.  We  have  to  remember
        legalization for Dreamers, Tempo-     Democrats cannot abandon our   keep building relationships with Re-  that the ultimate goal of government
        rary Protected Status recipients and   zeal to combat climate change. At the   publicans and Democrats to get things   should be serving the American peo-
        farmworkers. Immigration must be   same time, let’s balance our commit-  done. I’ll work with anyone who wants   ple, not our respective parties.
        governed by the rule of law while pro-  ment to environmental protection with   to solve problems and make things
        tecting immigrant families from fear   pragmatic  measures  that  safeguard   better for people, but I’ll never aban-  Tom Suozzi, a Democrat, represents
        and ensuring our economy is kept sta-  affordable utility bills and manageable   don my values. If Republicans and   New York’s Third Congressional
        ble while treating human beings like   costs at the pump. Let’s move beyond   Democrats choose the path of divi-  District. He is a former Nassau County
        human beings.                     the relentless attacks on widely held   sion and overreach, they will deepen   executive and mayor of Glen Cove on
            Under President Biden, Demo-  religious values while ensuring that the   the partisan divides that have already   Long Island.
        crats refocused national policy on re-  rights, safety and dignity of all are up-
        building the middle class by creating   held. And Democrats should be sup-
        solid job opportunities with the Infra-  portive of efforts to make government
        structure Law and promoting manu-  more  efficient  and  effective,  but  we
        facturing under the CHIPs Act. Un-  must fiercely defend and advocate the
        fortunately, we failed to communicate   strengthening of Social Security, Medi-
        the effort effectively. While Mr. Biden   care and the Affordable Care Act.
        was often quoted saying, “It’s time to   Both  parties  should  seek  new
        grow the economy from the bottom   ideas and leaders to demonstrate a
        up and the middle out,” no one really   willingness to break away from the re-
        understood that he was talking about   strictive orthodox ideologies of some
        creating more solidly middle-class   of the more extreme members of the
        jobs and putting forth a real policy to   Democrats’ Progressive Caucus and
        do just that.                     the Republicans’ Freedom Caucus,
            Republicans claim they are for   who limit our ability to seek common
        working families, but it is Demo-  ground and get things done.
        crats who support an increase in the   This time in history is both a

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