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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 17, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 16

              With the swearing-in of new members,

         ‘Samosa Caucus’ now has six members in

                             the House of Representatives

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC
             ix Indian Americans were sworn
             into the US House of Repre-
        Ssentatives, marking the largest
        representation of this community in
        history, a significant milestone for the
        Indian Americans in US. The six law-
        makers  are  Ami  Bera,  Ro  Khanna,
        Raja Krishnamoorthi, Pramila Jay-
        apal, Shri Thanedar, and Suhas Sub-
        ramanyam. Congressman Ami Bera,
        the most senior among them, shared
        his excitement about the growing
        representation of Indian Americans             Ami Bera                         Ro Khanna                      Raja Krishnamoorthi
        in Congress.
            Bera has been sworn-in for the
        seventh consecutive term as a repre-
        sentative of the seventh Congressio-
        nal District of California. He posted
        a picture of all the six Indian Amer-
        ican Congressman from the floor of
        the House.
            “When  I  was  first  sworn  in
        twelve years ago, I was the sole In-
        dian American Member of Congress
        and  only  the  third  in  US  history.
        Now, our coalition is six strong! I am
        excited to welcome even more Indian
        Americans to the halls of Congress in
        the years to come!” said Congress-
        man Dr Ami Bera in a post on X.
            Suhas Subramanyam, the newest           Pramila Jayapal                    Shri Thanedar                  Suhas Subramanyam
        Indian American to be a member of
        the House of Representatives, rep-    Khanna,  Krishnamoorthi and       A second Indian American was   gress, California Congressman Ami
        resents the 10th Congressional Dis-  Jayapal - have been sworn-in for a   admitted to the US House of Rep-  Bera  posted  a  photograph  on  X
        trict of Virginia, described his feel-  fifth consecutive term, during which   resentatives  after  almost  fifty  years.   saying,  “When  I  was  first  sworn  in
        ings, “First day of work! Honoured   they have emerged as powerful law-  From 2005 to 2008, Bobby Jindal   twelve years ago, I was the sole In-
        to  be  sworn  into  the  #119th  Con-  makers, representing the voice of   served as the representative for Lou-  dian-American member of Congress
        gress, and excited to get to work to   Indian Americans. All the six Indian   isiana’s First Congressional District.   and  only  the  third  in  US  history.
        deliver results for VA10.”        American lawmakers are from the   Later,  he  became  the  first  Indian   Now, our coalition is six strong! I am
            “Ready to Serve,” said Congress-  Democratic Party.             American elected to the governor-  excited to welcome even more Indi-
        man Shri Thanedar who represents      All the six Indian Americans   ship of a US state when he was elect-  an-Americans to the halls of  Con-
        the 13th Congressional District of   constitute an informal Samosa Cau-  ed to two terms as the governor of   gress in the years to come!”
        Michigan. Congressman Ro Khanna   cus, a term coined by Krishnamoor-  Louisiana.                          The backlash on the social me-
        represents the 17th Congressional   thi. When sworn in for the first term   Jindal is the only Indian Ameri-  dia platform, now a boiling cauldron
        District of California and Raja Krish-  in 2012, Dr Bera had then wished   can to be elected to the House on a   of right-wing hypernationalism, was
        namoorthi represents the eighth   to have 10 Indian Americans in the   Republican ticket.             immediate. “I did not - nor did my
        Congressional District of Illinois.   House of Representatives.         But US lawmakers of Indian-or-  ancestors - sacrifice, fight, bleed, and
        Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, is     In 1957, the first Indian Ameri-  igin are facing the brunt of MAGA   in some cases die for this country to
        the first ever Indian American wom-  can elected to the House of Repre-  fury in America after a photograph   have it handed over to foreigners. We
        an to be elected to the House of Rep-  sentatives was Dalip Singh Saund.   one of them posted about their “co-  did it for our children… who are ac-
        resentatives, represents the seventh   He was elected for three consecutive   alition” triggered a racist meltdown.  tively being discriminated against by
        Congressional District of Washing-  terms and was also the first Sikh. His   Shortly after being sworn as   colleges and companies,” wrote one
        ton state.                        party affiliation was Democratic.  Representatives in the 119th Con-  person.

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